5 Great benefits for "Eggplant" push you to eat it constantly


Eggplant is one of the most popular vegetables in its high nutritional value.Housewives provide it to their families.They are prepared in innovative ways.Some Arab kitchens are popular, but the Eggplant benefits and its importance to health deserve great consideration.

The following report highlights the most important benefits of eggplant:

1. Heart:
According to several studies including the journal Food & Funkness, eggplant contains a combination of nutrients including vitamin B6, potbadium, fiber and antioxidants which gives it its violet color, a combination of r

2 – Weight:
Each 100 grams of eggplant contains only 25 calories, and it is high in fiber, which contributes to satiety, improve production, and get rid of excess of fat in food, which is

3. Cancer:
The purple dye that gives eggplant crust is a great source of antioxidants that offer protection against several types of cancer.

4. Anemia:
] You can eat eggplants to prevent iron deficiency that causes anemia or anemia.

Eggplant is rich in vitamin K and is considered a way to improve fat. And the protection of bone fractures. (Function ()

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