Ober launches new features to facilitate communication between drivers and passengers


Uber has announced the launch of a new range of features designed to improve communication between drivers and pbadengers, and ease the difficulties faced by drivers and pbadengers during the capture process.

Pbadengers may encounter a lot of problems after clicking on a flight request button in the Ober application, especially in crowded places of world or night. "We are constantly looking for new ways to overcome these problems, which reduce the number of flights and are often canceled – a procedure that leads to what we call waste supply – so we've built new features which, we hope, will help both drivers and pbadengers. "

" When a driver delays a pbadenger to a specific location for whatever reason, they become nervous because they do not know what to look for, "said Ryan Yu, director of Ober Pbadenger Experience. "All they have, is their address and their location. This process should have been further simplified. " The first tool called Spotlight:

This feature will allow pbadengers to turn on their smartphone screen with a specific color reserved for the driver and the driver will receive a message to him indicating the color Air during congestion so that the driver can see you and reach the right place without wasting time.

Spotlight will be added to other driver related tools such as his name, model and plate number registration, and will usually be interesting when you need a new Ober flight in a lively place like a concert or concert hall.For the client, so the solution with the Spotlight feature

It is not the first time that the company resorts to the use of colors to improve the capture experience of its customers at the end of 2016, Ober unveils its first tool Beaco n a Bluetooth jewel in the form of a uber logo Drivers can hang on one side of their windshield, and with the Uber app, the pbadenger can choose which Beacon color lights, helping to easily find the driver in a sea of ​​cars.

It was an interesting step, as it required the company to spend money for the manufacture of tags and distribute them to the drivers, but it remained attached to it. Tool if the Beacon driver had priority over the new Spotlight feature. As Oper says starting this week, Beacons became available in 14 cities.

The second tool Advance flight booking:

You can now schedule your next flights by booking 30 days in advance, and if the driver does not arrive in time, you will receive an Uber credit. Your next trip

Ober has withstood for years the addition of the option to schedule flights in advance, arguing that he will defeat the goal call service on demand, but eventually worked. The purpose of this tool is probably to improve Ober's reputation as a reliable car service for long journeys such as airport flights or the like.

The Third Tool Pickup Messages:

is a new tool that gives the pbadenger the opportunity to send a message to the driver with additional details to facilitate his arrival: "I'm wearing a red sweater "or" I stand in the corner "While the app reads your messages aloud and drivers can simply click to answer, the receipt messages are designed to encourage safe driving and not distract the drivers.

All these enhancements are combined with current features that allow you to change your capture position and share your location instantly so your driver can see where you are.

Ober is also working to improve capture points by developing new software tools to solve the problem of GPS accuracy in large cities. The project, known as Shadow Maps, is being tested in dozens of cities in North America and has also begun to integrate with the new application.

Uber launches new features by application to facilitate communication between drivers and pbadengers

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