Is female fertility linked to factors causing heart disease?


A recent study suggests that women who have blood fat levels may have a higher risk of having a child or not having children at all.

Alexandra Pirant of the University of Bergen, Norway and her colleagues studied the cases of women enrolled in two large databases: the Norwegian and Norwegian birth registers of the Norwegian Cohort which contained information on the lifestyle of rural populations between 1994 and 2003.

The study included a total of 4322 women, of whom 2157 with two or more children, 488 with a child and 1677 who did not do so.

Researchers found that women who did not have children and mothers of a child were different from women who had two or more children in an important way. These women were older, heavier and more susceptible, smokers and diabetics. They also had less years of education and increased cases of artificial insemination to help them conceive.

Even after taking into account these and other factors, the study found that mothers of two or more children had higher lipid levels in the blood before first pregnancy than women who did not have any.

Blood Fat

According to the American Heart Association, dangerous levels of fat in the blood are one of the most important risk factors that can be controlled and can lead to heart disease and stroke.

The new study, published in the journal BMJ Open, has not confirmed the effect of harmful levels of fat on the chances of pregnancy or how to influence it. "The study" is interesting and raises many questions, "said cardiologist Kitty Burlacher of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and director of the Women's Heart program at the University Hospital. Maggie-Womens. " All they found was a link. "" The combination of factors that increase the risk of infertile heart disease does not mean that it is the cause. "

It is likely that women who have had a child or not have a baby. have done it voluntarily, so it is impossible to determine it without talking to women ".

She acknowledged the need for further education, but told Reuters Health: "It can be helpful for women who have difficulties during pregnancy with their first or second child to check the level of fat in the blood . " "They can talk to their doctors about some helpful diets such as the Mediterranean diet and other lifestyle changes such as physical activity," she said. (1965, p.
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