Arab Finance – News – Middle East Glass signs an agreement to sell 2 million shares to Endorma Nether


Arab Finance: Middle East Glbad Manufacturing Company (MEGM) signed an agreement to sell 2,197,800 shares, representing 44.4% of Medco Plast Packaging and Packaging Company LLC to Indorema Netherlands BV. At a price of LE 230.16 per share and a total of EGP 505,847,343 for all shares sold After the sale of the shares mentioned above, Middle East Glbad Manufacturing Company will own 772,200 shares representing 15.6% of the total capital from Medco Plast for packaging systems.

The Board of Directors of the Middle East Glbad Manufacturing Company ruled on July 18, 2018 The Board of Directors approved the appointment of an independent financial advisor to study the fair the value of the shares of Medco Plast Packaging and Packaging Company LLC in accordance with the provisions of Article 44 of the Board of Directors. The rules of registration and delisting, knowing that the contract of sale of shares is a contract, are not implemented until after having followed the procedures provided for in Article 44 of the rules of registration and cancellation.

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