Nicotine patches during pregnancy increase the risk of fetal death


A new study found that mothers who wear nicotine patches during pregnancy increase the risk of their baby's death.

According to the Daily Mail website, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the result of mothers using nicotine patches. Researchers warned pregnant women not to smoke because they could harm the fetus.A study in mice showed that the use of an electronic cigarette or a stamp of Nicotine can weaken the "gaseous reflex" of a child

. That nicotine, in any form whatsoever, increases the risk of sudden infant death [19659] 002] Researchers have discovered that exposure to cigarette smoke or electronic cigarettes can weaken the "gaseous reflex" of the child, who automatically resumes after hypoxia.

Researchers believe that exposure to nicotine can damage the central nervous system of the child. And nearly 10% of pregnant women smoke despite medical advice, warning that it can be very harmful for their child.

Researchers suggest that the use of nicotine in the form of stains or electronic cigarettes is not a safe alternative to tobacco. Pregnancy because exposure to nicotine can be dangerous

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