Will the first look of the new government be the day of the Army?


The Lebanese attention to the Ministry of Defense, which will on August 1 embrace the pillars of the state and security leaders at a national event to celebrate the military institution on the occasion of the 73rd birthday. Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, as well as President Michel Aoun and Speaker Nabih Berri, will be "authentic" personalities, that is to say at the head of a ministerial government. full share, and the confidence of parliamentarians (19659002) The anniversary of this year has a distinctive character, so that the officers who will graduate after being handed over by the President of the Republic, the swords as d & # 39; usual, will be clbadified in the cycle of "Dawn of the pack". The military establishment, which won last summer's victory over the organization "call" the terrorist in a battle called "Dawn of the thief", was followed by the appreciation of the chiefs of the state and several western military leaders. In the context, military sources confirmed to the "central" that "the army continues to eliminate terrorism and the determination to monitor sleeping cells and uproot them from their densely populated areas, following the tasks of the army. army to defend Lebanon and protect it from any enemy. Borders or infiltrators in it, "pointing out that" the determination to eliminate the sources point out that "General Joseph Aoun will mention in his" agenda "issued the day before the Army Day that the The military establishment places stability at the top of its priorities and sets as a goal to fight the enemies of Lebanon.Israel and terrorism, it will also focus on the preparation of the entire army on the southern border to face the threats of the Israeli enemy and his daily violations of Lebanese sovereignty, because he has the power to defend the land and the borders against Israeli ambitions.The Lebanese have managed their victory in the Battle of "Dawn of Thief" in defeating the terrorists of Lebanon, but their plans continue, which requires the greatest availability and vigilance, so that the watchful eye is getting closer to the interior . "

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