Trump attacks the EU after the fine on Google …


US President Donald Trump attacked the European Union after fining Google, the technology giant in the world, $ 5 billion.
This appeared in a tweet posted on his Twitter account on Thursday
Trump said: "As I told you, the European Union imposed a $ 5 billion fine on Google Inc. "
. "They really benefited from the United States, but it will not be long."
] The European Commission announced yesterday a record fine of 4.3 billion euros ($ 5.1 billion) on the Google group "America".
M "Google used the Android system as a way to reinforce the dominance of its search engine," according to the Associated Press of America.
Android, the first mobile phone system,
The European Commissioner explained that "Google, through these practices, has deprived its competitors of the opportunity to innovate and compete with merit, and has also deprived consumers of the opportunity to innovate, Europeans benefit from effective competition in the field of Mah Such as mobile phones
. "He also demanded that Google stop the anticompetitive practices in the contracts with smart phone manufacturers and carriers within 90 days.If Google does not comply, according to Vistager, Additional penalties include fees up to 5% of the average daily volume of business transactions. the parent company, Alphabet Inc, all over the world
.The judgment represents the last anti-monopoly fight between Brussels and the tech giant ogy. Years …

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