Dependence on the use of social media affects ADHD


A recent study found that youth who use social media on a daily basis are at greater risk for ADHD: teenagers' reliance on the Internet on their mobile phones and monitoring persistent notifications of sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. . Many times during the day that distract them from paying attention to the important things in their lives and lose the ability to control their concentration.

"The frequent use of social media can be badociated with the development of ADHD, an ADHD," said Professor of Preventive Medicine Adam Leventhal of the University of Southern California in a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA .

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder that includes symptoms such as forgetfulness, anxiety, lack of attention and impulse. Although further research is needed to see if the onset of these symptoms is related to social media alone, there are other factors. Scientists have suggested that the immediate dispersion and saturation of these sites can exacerbate the disorder.

In his study, Dr. Leventhal and his colleagues asked 2,800 adolescents between the ages of 15 and 16 in 10 different schools in Los Angeles County to complete questionnaires on the symptoms of ADHD and habits Their means of social communication. The ADHD questionnaire asked students to rate whether they were related to terms such as "I am easily distracted" or "I do not listen when I speak to you directly".

Students also completed a questionnaire on the number of times they used [1449900] 14 different types of digital media including social networking sites, sending text messages to their friends, online games and movies. Students who already had ADHD symptoms were excluded from this study, and the remaining 2600 students returned the same questionnaires several times in two years.

The results are as follows: 495 adolescents who used digital media had an opportunity of 4.6% for the onset of ADHD symptoms, ] 9.5% for 114 students reported using 7 of 14 digital media platforms frequently, and 51 students who used 14 platforms multiple times a day Symptoms in 10 , 5% .

There are few studies on the impact of social media and technology on young people. However, scientists have discovered that browsing Facebook's website could make them desperate after the fact … A study published by the University of Michigan revealed that students randomly badigned to read Facebook posts for 10 minutes were worse mood at the end of the day. Among those who have spoken with friends or posted on the site.

In a separate study, the University of San Diego and Yale found that people who clicked about four times more than the average person or who were impressed by the low number of participants had worse mental health than the average.

This follows the promise of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg that 2018 will be the perfect year to have a good time on the Facebook platform.

The term "time well spaced" has become the latest trend among tech giants facing the increasing pressure to take responsibility for the mental and physical health of users while utilizing their services.

While technology companies such as Google, Apple and Facebook are investing in new features that can monitor or reduce the use of the phone or look at the screen this year, after accusations of development deliberate "addictive" products.

Facebook said that it has invested heavily in the field of artificial intelligence and the appointment of human supervisors to get rid of offensive and criminal publications as well as electronic threats and other materials that negatively affect the website.

However, this week it was reported that observers had asked observers to leave offensive material on the Internet concerning children under the age of 13

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