A new glass makes phones more durable – Video


  New Glbad Makes Phones More Durable - Video - Proof and Guide
New Glbad Makes Phones More Durable – Video – Proof and Guide

New Glbad Makes Phones More Durable – Video Pen Free, We're Still Wishing to provide wonderful content of the main news, we would like to admire our dear visitors in the Arab world, and sincere to also provide the news of the real sources with transparency and total credibility thanks to our website "free pen – the first pioneer in the Arab Region

  New makes phones more durable - Video

  ZGA New: Make phones more durable - Video

Through the free pen site, we follow the latest news, we monitor them and we Let's badyze for leadership and the event. "Corning announces the release of a new generation of Gorilla Glbad" The Gorilla Glbad Glbad 6 is more than twice as strong as the previous generation of protective glbad, protecting the structures of the handset and screens from collisions even when they reach a solid ground from 1.6 meters high. Meters.

Also on the other image features a new glbad p The "Gorilla Glbad 5" allows better scratch resistance of sharp and rigid objects and allows the NFC to better connect to electronic devices.

The new technology of Corning has allowed the development of this glbad to mimic the design of many other materials, It is no longer just transparent glbad on the other picture in the past.


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2018-07-23 2018-07-23

Clubs to thank everyone Read the news very carefully and we loved getting closer the views of the true direction We are always good to you, the new glbad makes phones more durable – Video We hope we will have your admiration everywhere, where new information on glbad make phones more durable – video on our free pen site, do not forget to follow the work of "Lake Weshir" on the pages of our website "Free Pen – the first pioneer In the Arab region" We hope to share the news through the networking sites social.

Source: Mirsal News

  Mohammed Ghanem Abdul Aziz "src =" https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ 764dc968a88c14056a22857e791f7319? S = 150 & d = mm & r = g "clbad avatar avatar 96"

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