What benefit do Android phones have on the iPhone? (C)


Android phones using the Qualcomm 845 chipset on the X20 are more numerous than the iPhone # 1s that use Intel modems on mobile network speed tests, according to a new badysis of more than a million results of the Ookla Speedtest measurement site.

Ookla tests were conducted on the AT & T and T-Mobile networks, with more than 570,000 results via AT & T and 480 results via T-Mobile.

The Qualcomm modem enables faster AT & T download speeds of up to 40%, higher download speeds of 20% and a 20% delay rate compared to phones using the Intel modem. .

The average download speed of the Galaxy S9 phone on US telecommunications companies was about 38.9 Mbps, based on 102,000 tests in the last three months.

The Galaxy S9 Plus gave the average download speed of 38.3 MBps, based on some 169,000 tests.

The iPhone X provided an average data download rate of 29.7 Mbps, based on 603,000 tests.
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