Menton: causes and treatment – Austrian


The growth of chin hair in women can be one of the most painful for her, but it is often due to medical reasons.

Chin's hair: Causes and treatment
Women can suffer Hair growth in unwanted areas, but sometimes women can experience strong growth of hair in the chin.What are the causes of growth hair in this area and what are the proposed treatment methods?

Some of them may be temporary and require simple treatment, while other reasons may require more serious follow – up with your doctor:

1. Changes in Hormones
Some of the resorts in your life are accompanied by hormonal changes, such as puberty, pregnancy, and aging. All these conditions are closely badociated with the hormonal activity in the body which in turn affects the hair growth and hair growth of the chin.
When you are pregnant, testosterone levels increase automatically, which stimulates the growth of thick hair in the chin, As you get older, at menopause, the ovaries produce a small amount of estrogen, while the production Male testosterone continues, which can lead to high rates of androgen and the onset of male symptoms.

] 2. Drugs
Certain medications that you may use may affect the level of hormones in your body, such as steroids or pills containing progesterone or testosterone, pimetroprast and cyclosporine [19659002]
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If you have polycystic ovary syndrome, or if you have genetic predispositions, it can be stimulating and affect your suffering thick, thick hairs on the chin.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome affects and is particularly affected by high levels of androgens, which leads to an irregular menstrual cycle or abundant bleeding in addition to abundant hair growth in various areas of the body and on the chin. particular.

4. Obesity
There seems to be a link between weight in women and testosterone because obesity is badociated with high levels of hormones in the body.

In addition, the increase in abdominal fat helps to increase insulin resistance in the body. Promotes the production of male androgen hormone, thereby influencing and increasing chin hair growth.

5. Hormonal Disorders
The pituitary and adrenal gland are at the base of the endocrine system in the body, where the pituitary gland directs the adrenal, which directs the release of hormones into the body. 19659002] It is necessary to check with the doctor, especially if hair growth has become very dense and sudden, as this would indicate satisfactory problems to be treated early.

Some cases of thick hairs can also be caused by hereditary factors In addition to individual differences, there are also ethnic differences in the abundance of body hair on the body.

Treatment of Hair Growth in Women
Chin Hair You undergo a sudden and rapid examination of your doctor for tests necessary to rule out and treat any serious medical cause.

If the growth of heavy hair is due to glands or to a type of drug or to ovarian infection by: Your doctor will prescribe the appropriate drugs and treatments for the governor
It can be very helpful for you to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle, so that you lose your excess weight if you suffer from it, in addition to being involved in sports and healthy foods.
Cosmetic Treatments: There is a whole range of cosmetic options that you can use to treat the excess hair if its growth is caused by a temporary factor or a genetic factor, such as wax, yarn , the laser and the hands [___ gcfg = {lang: 'fr -US '};
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