The official website of the Al-Jadid chain, the localities, the meeting of Aoun-Hariri … The traffic does not deviate from the form of a government of thirty ministers


Meeting of Aoun-Hariri .. The circulation does not deviate from the form of a government of thirty ministers

President Saad Hariri "/>

President Saad Hariri

Sources close to the formation process of the government pointed out that President Saad Hariri returned yesterday to Baabda, carrying his hands this time, a folder white before the table and included the formulation of the first draft government with alternative formulas discussed for 90 minutes with the President of the Republic General Michel Aoun, who recorded his remarks, and presented his point of view of each version of formulas, and the initiative of Hariri Especially those who were included in the "ministerial contract", and presents them with what they have heard And returns Friday to the presidential palace carrying these answers with a semi-final formula of the government to finalize or rather "put the names on the bags."

The sources of the first and third presidents reflected the following: "There is a political solution e In the government file, the process time will not be clear, it is based on the contacts that will be made in the next 24 hours on the points to be treated, it is badumed that the contract was placed on the table. ; Al Fakka. Jumblatt.)

Sources Explained "The problem is that the question becomes easier on the Christian knot, but the Druze knot that must be taken in light of the failure of the Democratic meeting statement (yesterday) to escalate and stay close to the public record of the government record. "

What is related to the representation of Sunni deputies outside the Movement of the Future, Hariri "showed this time a great flexibility to entrust the case to the President of the Republic, including a Sunni minister (in exchange for obtaining a Maronite siege in favor of Ghattas Khoury) In charge of the so-called Aoun of those among his actions The sources confirmed that Aoun and Hariri "were satisfied with the results of their meeting "and stressed that all that has been said and said about the tension in the relationship and the messages between them" has nothing to do with the coordination and cooperation between them. In very frank form and ended the meeting between them to a more positive atmosphere, "so Aoun did not reject what was offered to him, but the record remains (blank) filed with him."

The sources confirmed that the atmosphere prevailed before the meeting of Baabda, "Has been a blackout due to the closure of the solutions, but it no longer exists after the presidential meeting . "

The sources pointed out that "If the parties concerned respond to the formula or alternatives, it is not unlikely that the government is formed before August 1, army day next Wednesday" , did he declare.

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