So, the time goes "Wake"


The Department of Meteorology of the Department of Meteorology predicts that the weather will be cloudy and cloudy, with mists on the highlands and a slight drop in temperatures in the mountains and inland, with strong winds. a special activity in the north of the country. Local. According to the following bulletin:

– General situation: The moderate summer climate controls the eastern basin of the Mediterranean.

– Expected time in Lebanon:

Friday: Broken clouds with fog over the highlands and little change in temperature.

Saturday: Partly cloudy to partly cloudy with fog over the highlands and a slight drop in temperature on the mountains and in the interior with active winds in the north of the country, and the atmosphere gets ready at night for a light local rain.

Sunday: Partly cloudy to cloudy with occasional high winds, fog over the highlands during the morning with little change in temperature, and some local rainfall in the morning.

– Heat on the coast from 24 to 32 degrees, above the mountains from 16 to 26 degrees, in cedar from 11 to 23 degrees, at home from 17 to 33 degrees.

– Surface wind: Southwesterly, between 10 and 30 km / h.

-Quick: good on the coast, it deteriorates locally on the highlands because of the fog.

– Relative humidity of the coast: between 50 and 75%.

– State of the sea: low to corrugated wave, water surface temperature of 29 degrees.

– Atmospheric pressure: 759 mm Hg.

– Sunrise time: 05: 46 hours Sunset time: 19:44

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