A certificate of Avira for the Lebanese Joe Belais … it's his success


The young Lebanese Joe Belais received a certificate signed by the director of information security for the famous AVIRA program, the leading antivirus scanning program in Germany, after discovering two new programs .

Bilis, a student at the American University of Technology, North Branch Dahr al-Ain al-Koura, explains that "he managed to fill the first void of the personal profile of every Avira registry owner from his own machine.Save on the site after removing a subscriber code, "pointing out that there is now a loophole not yet reported by the company.


Joe Belais, the son of Zgharta, figured on Facebook's 2014 honor list and was rewarded after being able to talk to them about a flaw that would be l & rsquo; Cancellation of any written comments from any user of the network. He rewarded him for a gap that the network had experienced in 2016. He had been able to send a message and cancel it immediately after reading it through the user.

"I spend hours on the computer and I feel pleasure and pride because every day I discovered a loophole in international companies, including software and application publishers, Lebanese university academic sites and the media.


He continues: "I have dozens of certificates of appreciation of the greatest references and I feel excited about the inspection. of the electronic world, especially since the leaders in the field of digital security in Lebanon are not more numerous than the finger.

Bilis recounts his most important achievements in recent years in protection programs: AVG, 12 AVIRA, 10 Eset, 1 Kaspersky, 2 Opera browser, 3 Ebay, two in Blackberry and four in Microsoft. visit our website today and if you have any questions about this news,
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