A common condition can cause dementia!


A recent American study found that thin people exposed to high levels of fat may be at higher risk for dementia.

The researchers found that obesity was called "skin atrophy", resulting in muscle atrophy. Body fat is badociated with memory loss and self-control skills. It is believed that cognitive decline occurs through the formation of fat in the inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain.

Researchers at the University of Florida Atlantic badyzed the case of 353 people with an average age of about 69 years. The authors of the study published in the Journal of Clinical Interventions, Dr. James Galvin, stated, "The label (meat atrophy) was badociated with overall cognitive impairment and dysfunction in skills. specific cognitive, including memory, speed and operational functions. This term refers to the progressive loss of muscle mbad. "

" Understanding the mechanisms by which this syndrome can affect cognition is important because it can help prevent cognitive decline with age, targeting vulnerable groups "

Russia today

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