A company that offers an initial design for a train of birds


A large French technology company recently unveiled a first design of a train that can fly through the air before returning to the railroad to resume its journey, bringing pbadengers to the stations they want . Sky News, "the Bloomberg news agency reported that the revolutionary train proposed by the company" Aka Technologies "can install removable wings before flying, and that the rail turns into a normal train after being reinforced since the Aca bets on Boeing, the main American airline, to implement the project called Link & Fly, and its details are presented in a video in three dimensions.
The French company seeks to reduce its dependence vis-à-vis the European partners, Airbus "and" Runo ", and the opening to other partners, according to the same source. Maurice Reissi, general manager of the French company, said that after the electrification and self-driving of cars in recent years, the next phase will focus on aviation.
Several companies specializing in the automotive industry have developed vehicles capable of flying. In March last year introduced a car that could walk and fly.
The Pal Liberty car is the only vehicle that has been allowed to fly and is expected to begin delivery to customers in 2019.
Experts speculate on the car to overcome traffic congestion On the ground, especially as cities Major are in the world experiencing more and more traffic jams.

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