A divergence in the performance of crude oil prices amid the rebound of the dollar index of the lowest in four weeks


Crude oil futures advanced about 1% and Nymex crude declined during the US session, with the dollar index rising for the first time in three sessions depending on the relationship inverse between the US economy and the US economy. Overall this week.

At 22:37 GMT, US crude oil futures for November delivery fell 0.37% to $ 73.53 per barrel compared to opening at $ 73.53 a barrel. The price of a barrel of Brent crude rose 1.00% to 77.88 dollars a barrel in September, from 77.11 dollars a barrel, while the US dollar index rose 0.24% for s & b. Set at 94.18, thus reversing its lowest level since June 14th. 93.96.

Earlier in the day, we followed statements by the president of the National Oil Corporation in Libya, Mustafa Sinallah, who said that his country's production from crude oil dropped to 527,000 barrels a day from 1, 28 million barrels a day in February. Last February, explaining that the reason is due to the closure of a number of oil ports lately.

The head of the National Oil Corporation said that the closure of an oil field in February because of protests in Libya has resulted in a decline in production of 80,000 barrels a day, adding that production levels are rising. stabilized at 1.1 million barrels a day. Oil will decline in the coming period as a result of strikes in Libya recently, and it should be noted that the Libyan authorities have declared a state of force majeure due to the closure of fields and ports in eastern Libya. country.

Otherwise, the Iranian Minister of Petroleum has declared that the statements of US President Donald Trump to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to increase production levels and lower prices are a great insult to l & # 39; Organization. And lead to fluctuations in global oil markets, pointing out that US pressure has not yet affected Iran's oil production levels and exports.

In another context, Kuwaiti oil minister, Issam al-Marzouq, said that OPEC would produce more than enough levels to ensure the stability and balance of the market, adding that the organization does not need to hold a meeting until next December. Mexico's Andrey Manuel said his administration was planning to end his country's mbadive dependence on fuel imports, mainly from the United States, within three years of becoming president.

President Manuel Manuel said that the goal was to increase local refining operations to meet local needs and increase domestic oil production, which has declined significantly over years. The latter, and it is said that this fits into the objectives of Manuel, who has engaged during his campaign.

In a separate context, Baker Hughes' weekly report shows last week that drilling rigs and oil rigs in the United States rose for the first time in three weeks by 5 platforms for a total of 863 platforms, The highest ever reached at 10.90 million barrels a day, approaching Russia's production levels, having recently overtaken production from Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter.

The Danish words
United States
Saudi Arabia
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