A new technique that causes cancer cells to commit suicide


A recent scientific study has revealed the development of a revolutionary new technique that causes the original cancer cells to commit suicide.

The Boston Harvard School of Medicine released its study Friday, led by a team of researchers under his direction.

"The new technique is based on the synthesis and modification of cancer cells so that they kill infected cells and then commit suicide," the study said.

The researchers reported that the technique could provide a pathology for treating early stages of cancer. The researchers found that the new technique was tested on M mouse models

and noted that they found evidence that the manipulated cells targeted and killed other specifically infected cells. "

Khalid Shah, lead author of the study, stated that" "Cell-based therapies promise tremendously to administer therapeutic agents to tumors, and may offer therapeutic options in areas where traditional therapy has failed, "reported the Harvard Medical Journal on Friday

. , We show that it is possible to reverse the engineering of cancer cells Patient and use in therapy. "

" We think that this has many positive effects and can apply to all types of cancer cells. "

  Nuts ensure heart health
A study conducted by American researchers from Harvard University and published on the American website EurekAlert. To achieve the results of the study, the The team monitored the condition of 1059 people aged 22 to 75, including people with MG The researchers reviewed participants' diets and included participants who eat nuts in quantities ranging from 5 to 24 percent of the calories they eat daily, namely diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes, weight gain and obesity. found that people who regularly consume regular nuts in their diet lower their cholesterol, triglycerides and lipids, as well as blood pressure and body weight, which helps to prevent sickness "The study suggests that eating nuts is a great way to add important nutrients to your diet to support the health of your heart," said Dr. Michael Rozin, chief of nutrition. Research Team. "Nuts contain a number of nutrients The mood has improved, such as alpha-linolenic acid, vitamin E, folic acid, polyphenols or the Melatonin Previous studies have shown that an excessive intake of nuts in the diet reduces heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, neuropathy, especially Alzheimer's disease. Infection of infants with Alzheimer's disease of cerebral palsy

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