A publication on Facebook costs a prison sentence to a Lebanese journalist


Fida Itani – Facebook

Lebanese journalist Fida Itani was sentenced to prison in absentia after being accused of insulting Lebanese Foreign Minister and Expatriate Gebran Bbadil

The Baabda City Court sentenced him to four months' imprisonment and to Itani a fine of $ 6,600. He also criticized the military operation carried out by the Lebanese army in the city of Arsal, killing Syrians, expressing concern over Hezbollah's intervention in Syria to support the Bashar regime. Assad. [] The lawyers of the Lebanese presidency and Hezbollah, He also received threats from elements close to Hezbollah.

Following the verdict, Itani wrote that his decision was taken for insulting President Michel Aoun and his son-in-law, Foreign Minister Gebran Bbadil

Itani is not an individual case, In January In 2018, presenter Hisham Haddad was found guilty of ridiculing Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri

. 2018, the owner of the Lebanese debate was sentenced to six months' imprisonment and paid 10 million Lebanese pounds after being accused

In November 2017, the presenter Marcel Ghanem was tried for obstruction of justice after having dismissed two face-to-face accusations of his program

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