A real danger awaits those who feel bitterly these foods!


Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have confirmed that those who feel bitter broccoli, coffee and dark chocolate are more likely to develop cancer than those who do not.

These substances contain phenylthiocarbamide, which is given by the bitter taste, and people differ in their ability to feel it, knowing that the ability to detect the taste of this compound can be transmitted genetically.

For 20 years, researchers have tracked the health status of 5,500 Britons over 60 years old. The researchers concluded that women who do not feel the taste of this compound rarely have cancer, and vice versa.The risk of cancer increases by 58%, while those who experience a slight bitterness are 40% more likely to develop cancer. only those who do not suffer from it. 19659002]

Scientists badume that people who have a bitter taste do not eat broccoli and dark chocolate containing antioxidants and other anticancer substances, so that they are more likely to get sick.

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