A renewed conflict between progressive and "mainstream"


The debate, the responses and the counter-reactions between the ministers and the deputies of the Progressive Socialist Party and the Free Patriotic Movement continued.

While Progressive President, former MP Walid Jumblatt said in a tweet on Twitter, "The comrades do not enter into futile debates with this absurd group that insists on adopting cheap satire ". "It's the rule of the most powerful in the representation criteria, O Lord," said Justice Minister Salim Griissati, in a tweet to Twitter: "Why are you losing control of our speech and invite- to sink them into their hatred and hatred? Cher and you are them. "

and again addressed another tweet saying, "The guarantee to complete the reconciliation and consolidation of the mountain is in Lebanon and the presidential palace and nowhere else, and you share the decision of the President of the National Bloc and the strongest Christian.
Minister of Energy and Water César Abi Khalil chanted on his Twitter account: "If Jumblatt cares about his situation and his party, he will leave the country to supply, including including his son, and his hate will be better. "

The Minister of Education and Higher Education, Marwan Hamada, told him, "If the former minister, Qaysar Abu Khalil, is concerned about his situation and his currents, the country would have been enlightened by electricity and provided billions of ships.
In turn, the leader of the Lebanese Democratic Party, Minister Talal Arslan, tweeted on his Twitter account: "Instead of killing Walid Jumblatt, he asked for the monopoly of Druze representation in the government. he lost or sold to his personal interests in exchange for financial wealth for himself and some of his descendants who built the palaces at the expense of Druze rights and their endowments.

Allah bless you with Kamal Bek Jumblatt, who called for a law "Where do you get this?" More than sixty years ago … It's the first son to apply this principle to himself and to some that I refuse to call them "bastards" … and to talk about a link . "Wael Abu Faour also on the badailants of Jumblatt:" Yourself, you Whoever thinks himself is busy, but he does not dance to the rank of coyote: how is it that your foot did not see his shade in the morning and did not realize the next night? You do not deserve more than that and you will be lost with the first buzz and life. "

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