Inside the Baalbek Dry Water Lake, the Safe Side organization organized a sit-in to demand that the Bekaa Water Corporation stop pumping water from wells. the source of Bayada feeding the Ras Al Ain River, a vital artery of Baalbek's parks and orchards.
The president of the Hussein Yaghi Society asked in his speech: "Since when did Baalbaki buy water to drink, and since when did Baalbek's son accept the pebbles? in the orchards?
"It is true that there has been little rain in most parts of Lebanon, but Baalbek is the main sink for feeding the Bayada Basin source within the authority of the Bahamas. water from the municipality and must be closed and pumped from an alternative well.The problem is not so much dry water as drought in the minds of officials, and unfortunately in the The spirit of people who adopt the policy of "purity", but do not claim their rights in the street.
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