A statement issued by Beirut media in Hezbollah on the issue of development in Baalbek


A statement on Beirut media in Hezbollah: "Dear activists, managers and supervisors of groups and pages on social networking sites, peace and blessings of God,

at the beginning of each year. And the second release against the Takfiris in 2017.

Follow-up of the discussion on social networking platforms on development in Baalbek Hermel We would like to clarify the following:

Bekaa and Baalbek Hermel in particular need special care and suffer a lot Problems due to the absence of the state and its role However, the interest for the region and its problems do not open debates and comparisons between regions or in designating parties and parties, because this kind of discussion in the virtual space only divides and complicates things rather than contributing to solutions.

Solutions to Baalbek Her's Problems mel will not necessarily be the screaming and despicable regional speech, because this speech will only benefit the enemy and the troubled fishermen, and the owners of the imaginary accounts known to us who are its operators and those who work there "

The article expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the policy of the site.

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