Accountant isolated in a government hospital in Beirut on charges of misappropriation of public funds Al-Bina Journal


The High Council of Discipline, headed by Judge Marwan Abboud and members of Ali Mari and Mirfat Itani, made the decision "to isolate the accountant in a government hospital in Beirut". Change the checks paid on behalf of the hospital and increase the value of how to handle the numbers and letters written letters. The increase each time was about ten times the amount owed so that she paid a small portion of her value and kept her value nine times, which led to the increase in the value of the loan. enrichment to the detriment of the hospital and public money.

On 8/3/2018, based on the referral of the director general of the relevant hospital and the impact of the intensive trials and interrogations that allowed him to prove the accuracy actions of the employee to inflict the maximum sentence.

This file is part of a series of important decisions Disciplinary measures to reduce cases of corruption and major disruption


Accountant isolated in a hospital public of Beirut for embezzlement of public funds
Reviewed by administrator on
The High Council of Discipline, headed by Judge Marwan Abboud and members of Ali Mari and Mirfat Itani, made the decision to "isolate the accountant in a government hospital in Beirut".
The High Council of Discipline, headed by Judge Marwan Abboud and members of Ali Mari and Mirfat Itani, made the decision to "isolate the accountant in a government hospital in Beirut". For the modification of checks
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