Advantages of coconut oil in the treatment of vaginal and oral yeast fungi


Yeast infection can cause discomfort and itching because it can be difficult to get rid of, and although yeast infections are usually treated without a prescription or medical creams, home remedies include coconut oil.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a fatty oil derived from the body of coconut fruit, which helps digestion, helps to balance hormones, and some people think It also has antibacterial properties, which can make the treatment more effective for yeast infections.

Research on coconut oil
Coconut oil contains antifungal substances, and although research is limited to its use for yeast infection, there are evidence to suggest that this oil has a lot of other benefits. In 2007, it was discovered that coconut oil was helping to kill yeast, and that researchers found that the Candida strain was specifically eliminated from this oil, and that the yeast contained fluconazole in the blood. coconut oil had to be eliminated. The substance that is the active ingredient in antifungal medications is recommended for the treatment of yeast infections.

How to use coconut oil for processing
– When you buy coconut oil, be sure to choose a pure coconut oil, and some brands will try to pbad a mixture of coconut oil From its use, you can recognize that the pure coconut oil of it does not usually have a strong nutty scent of coconut.

– You can treat badl thrush by applying coconut oil directly to the affected area and the affected area.You can scrub the coconut oil into the skin and treat 1 to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a microwave oven. For a few seconds, make sure that the oil is reasonably warm before painting in your mouth for 10 seconds, and you can spit out the excess coconut oil because you should not eat it or eat it. drink anything for 30 minutes.

Risks And Warnings
The coconut oil usually does not have negative side effects, and you can not use coconut oil to treat the disease badl yeast, if you are not sure if you have another yeast infection, other yeast infections, as well as frequent yeast infections, coconut allergies, and pregnant women should consult your doctor before using this remedy at home.

Other Ways to Treat Vaginal Yeast
In addition to treating coconut oil, there are other ways to treat it, including reducing sugar in your diet, consumption of foods rich in beneficial bacteria such as milk and yogurt, Additional research is needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of these approaches, and so there are some antifungal medications that are applied topically , taken orally or inserted as a hoof.

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