AFD holds annual conference in Beirut on "Sustainable Development and the Fight Against Corruption"


AFD Holds Annual Conference in Beirut on "Sustainable Development and Fight Against Corruption" Egyptian Egyptologist Al Masry today publishes in Beirut the annual conference "Sustainable Development and Fighting" against corruption ", in Beirut. About "Sustainable Development and the Fight Against Corruption" We send you our visitors News Today through our news observatory and from the most important news, the AFD organized its conference annual conference in Beirut on sustainable development and the fight against corruption. The Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED) has announced that financing for development Sustainability The theme of its annual conference will be Beirut, from 8 to 9 November, with the participation of about 50 people. international and regional organizations concerned with the environment, development and finance.

The conference opens the 11th annual report of the series "The State of the Arab Environment" published by the AFD, identifies funding needs, presents gaps and challenges and proposes the better options and mechanisms for attracting and using finance effectively. The report focuses on the sources of funding available and their respective roles in implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals under the 2030 Plan.

AFD has published 10 reports since 2008 on the most important challenges for the Arab environment. Climate change, water, energy, green economy, environmental footprint, sustainable consumption and food security. These reports have become the main reference for the environment. The impact of the recommendations of the AFD reports on government policies on climate change, water management, energy efficiency and green economy was also emphasized, as well as the adjustment price support mechanisms to rationalize consumption.

The forum's general secretary, Najib Saab, states that after identifying the problems and proposing environmental stewardship and sustainable development solutions in 10 previous reports, AFD's new report looks at the sources and the financing mechanisms for these solutions. The report employs more than 200 experts and researchers, in cooperation with universities and specialized international bodies, including the World Bank, ESCWA, UNEP, OECD, EBRD, IDB, OPEC Fund for Development and IFAD. Kuwait Development Company.

Saab revealed that the theme of the fight against corruption in development finance was the fight against corruption and that the corruption and mismanagement of the Arab countries represented twice the additional investment required to finance development projects sustainable. About thirty speakers from finance and development will speak at the conference, including the World Bank's first vice president, Mahmoud Mohieldin, director of the anti-corruption department of the Organization for Cooperation and Development. Economic Development, Patrick Mollet, Simon Zadak And Energy, Tessa Trepstra.

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IFD held its annual conference on "Sustainable Development and Fighting Corruption" in Beirut.Follow us on the social networking sites of our website to receive regular news

Source: The Egyptian Today

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