Affected people will not be able to stop the reform process


The President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, rebadured Lebanon that no one could stop the process of reform and fight against corruption that he initiated since he took office : "This reformist path will continue with all believers in Lebanon.This march through the launch of rumors and news is incorrect, whether issued by politicians or others, knowing that such statements reflected negatively the President Aoun called on the Lebanese to help the country fight against corruption "because there is no possibility of reform in a society whose people do not want to deal with corruption". While the President of the Republic was questioning the true objectives of those who weaken confidence in the Lebanese economy and the national currency, he stressed that "Lebanon has oil wealth on the way of extraction ", highlighting the need to take responsibility. "We are working to revitalize the economy, but this is not done overnight, it takes more patience and industry efforts to withstand as much of this period as the legacy we have inherited is heavy,.

President Aoun stressed during his meeting with the delegation of the Food Importing Trade Union (GOIC) Consumerism and Drinks in Lebanon led by its president, Hani Bouzli, for his support to the promotion of trade, which its turn encourages the prosperity of tourism in Lebanon. "The decision to regulate the import of certain foodstuffs resulted from the balance of payments deficit, which led the Minister of the Economy to resort to measures that protect the domestic industry, which are few, but we are connected. " He said that Lebanon has succeeded in reducing smuggling, "which is clear from customs data in the light of the mechanism followed by the Customs Directorate", highlighting, in contrast, the proliferation of drug trafficking after the seizure of many operations recently. "

President Aoun reaffirmed the work of transforming the national economy from a rental economy into a productive economy

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