After the intentions of codification in Lebanon .. A pharmacist demonstrates the medical uses of cannabis


After the intentions of codification in Lebanon .. A pharmacist demonstrates the medical uses of cannabis Charter quoted from the motherland that was published to you after the codification intentions in Lebanon .. A pharmacist demonstrates the medical uses of cannabis, after the codification intentions in Lebanon.

The Charter is a state of controversy, accompanied by what was revealed on Wednesday by the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Berri, that the Parliament is preparing to approve the bills

The proposal to legislate and to legalize cannabis cultivation as part of a plan to promote the Lebanese economy proposed by McKinsey Consulting Company to the Lebanese authorities, where the cultivation of cannabis will be initiated for medical purposes.

About the use of cannabis as a treatment or in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Ahmed Al-Bari, Head of the Department of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine of Beni Suef University, specialist in clinical pharmacology, confirmed that cannabis already had medicinal uses. On the cannabis receptors called "endogenous cannabino". Al-Bari tells Al-Mithaq that cannabis currently has two medical uses, the first is the treatment of emesis badociated with chemotherapy for cancer patients and the second one uses it as anesthetic or badgesic for acute pain badociated with chemical or post-operative pain. Dornabinol "or" Nabinol "

In addition to the two previous uses, the" wild "indicates that other uses of cannabis are being studied and experimented, such as its use in the treatment of arthritis, treatment of epilepsy, enlargement of the prostate and other research.approved by the World Health Organization.

Economists According to Sky News, the Lebanese legislation on the cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes will cost the public treasury $ 3 billion a year, added to its budget, and help solve the economic crises that have been changing since 2011, reported Sky News.

The cultivation of hashish in Lebanon, one of the most flourishing of the civil war from 1975 to 1990, has generated millions of dollars, up to its ban since that date, the law punishing all those selling Cannabis Narcotic Drugs Act, 673 of 1998 ule: "The cultivation of opium poppy, coca bush, cannabis and generally all plants that produce drugs, whether in the form of seeds or at any other stage of their growth, are prohibited."

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