Al-Bashayer Journal Research shows a terrible risk for toothpaste


Research shows a terrible risk of toothpaste

Thursday, July 26, 2018 19:33:00 – Readers 30

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Scientists at the University of Texas at the University of Texas announced that titanium dioxide E171 found in toothpastes and cosmetics can cause type 2 diabetes.

Scientists have published an article in the journal Chemical Research in Tpxicology.

Scientists conducted a study with the participation of 11 volunteers, who took samples of pancreatic tissue, where titanium dioxide was discovered in 8 of them homeowners with type 2 diabetes mellitus. the rest were free of this substance and its owners in good health.

Scientists have concluded that titanium dioxide can be a cause of type II diabetes. Scientists therefore intend to test their hypothesis on a large group of people

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