Al-Khazen: The most important slogan is "Give a curse to your brothers"


A member of the National Assembly, Farid Heikal al-Khazen, said that the majority of political forces in Lebanon emphasized the importance of accelerating the formation of the government and do not care about the need for the people to fight against the financial and economic difficulties that beset them. With partisan and personal interests to the detriment of the national and popular interest, and through the game bite the fingers as if the country with a thousand good, which complements the formation of the government and monitor it, emphasizing that the designated President and the President of the Republic demanded a standard in the distribution of sacks, To be excluded

Al-Khazen emphasized in a statement to the "News" that the sharing of Christian cheese between the Lebanese Forces and the Free Patriotic Movement, was secretly included in the agreement between the Arabs and between the two countries, "The fraternity of the two brothers", he said, adding that the national bloc, consisting of 7 deputies, 4 Christians and 3 Muslims (Farid al -Khazen, Mustafa al-Husseini, Tony Franjieh, Stefane Douaihi, Faiz Ghosn, Faisal Karami, and Jihad Samad) will not accept a consolation bag simply because they come from outside the country. authority who fought with all their financial and administrative power to deny them access to parliament requires two legitimate accounts representing popular forces who have entrusted the Assembly with the confidence and cost of representation in the House of Representatives. Al-Khazen concluded by saying that the National Bloc stands alongside President-elect Saad Hariri and tries, as far as possible, to facilitate his task of forming the government as soon as possible, and that the economic situation and needs of the people are no longer tolerated. There is no practical indication of government formation approaching from zero time

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