Al-Ra'i concluded his official visit to Jordan: We do not want to be in the era of unilateral globalization or exclusion


Cardinal Mar Bishara Boutros Al-Ra concluded his pastoral and official visit to Jordan with a dinner hosted by the President of the Lebanese Community in Jordan Fuad Abu Hamdan in the presence of the official, political, social and economic actors Jordanians and members of the Lebanese community.

Abu Hamdan
Abu Hamdan greeted Patriarch Al-Ra & # 39; i and the accompanying delegation: "Your presence among us today is a medal that I wear on my chest for life, you are there! 39 brave national Arab man and your strong voice in the desert only asks for love and friendship. "

Patriarch Shepherd

The Patriarch thanked Abu Hamdan and his wife Jihan for this ceremony and reiterated his greetings to King Abdullah II and the Prime Minister on the official invitation to visit Jordan: "We visited areas where we do not we are not met, it is a humanism that brings together all the people, and affirms the emotional rapprochement between our two countries and peoples, strengthening our links with the peoples and the holy land, the territories that witnessed the demonstrations of Jesus Christ and excluding Christians and Muslims, that we declare to the world and to the international community

"As you know, some people tell us about the clash of civilizations and cultures, but on the contrary, we have to cling to this wave of bias to preserve the culture that characterizes our country."

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