Ali al-Bakheeti arrives at Maran Cave and reveals the secret hidden by "Abdul-Malik al-Houthi" and why he did not appear recently


Writer and politician Ali al-Bukhiti said that Abdul-Malik al-Houthi did not introduce anything new in his statement, aired Saturday night by the media, but he has confirmed with admiration that he was suffering from a difficult psychological and physical situation. "Twitter", that the Houthi statement showed the effects of the reflections of his group, which are difficult to hide, prompting him to make a statement, despite his constant concern for the televised release of thanks to Hbadan Nasrallah, the leader Lebanese Hezbollah

. Al-Houthi: "The same construction phrases and Friday sermons that we used to have; a new document in his statement, but he stressed his admiration for the appearance that he had. he is in a difficult psychological and physical situation, and the effects of their continual refractions are visible and difficult to conceal.He preferred to make a statement, although he wished to thank Nasrallah in a televised speech. "

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, in his last statement, appeared defeated and broken, and tried to compensate by the scorn and insults of his opponents, noting that he left no charge but jammed them

: "Behind The lines of his statement shows that he and his group find themselves in a difficult situation, desperation drives them, and he wanted the high statement to hide their difficult field and their psychological defeat. "Writer Al-Bukhai He pointed out that the time that Huthi was leading and threatening in a few days was over. "Two and a half years ago, his words are nothing but an ink on paper; But he became a silent plaintiff of the world's alliance and his participation in the war against his group, his legend has fallen and no one is following his speeches. "

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