Almstnouk: stabbed by the "Future" machine – Alankabout spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


My relationship with Saudi Arabia is normal

The Interior Ministry is unusually quiet. The sound of the author stands at his doors. The case of Nihad Al-Mahnouq is preparing to leave with the team. The man began to complete his art collection that characterized his office during his four years of trading. "Nobody wants to believe that I'm" tired "and that I want to leave for a few months." Will you also leave politics? "It's impossible."

The "Whale from the Inside" wants to "rest" from a ministry for which everyone fights.After an early "retirement" of the cabinet imposed by a middle-clbad decision, he insists on his "right" to long holidays difficult to achieve without ask questions that started weeks ago and that will not end in the foreseeable future.This is a political problem that started with President Saad Hariri, whose fire has been extinguished recently, but nothing n & rsquo; Indicates that it may not be renewed soon.

A question arises: Does the henna end with a "quiet" withdrawal from the Hariri circle, without leaving the "political silk"? 1965-1965 From the silk age of Ayes Hariri and its details for years and even q four years before the appointment of Rafik Hariri as prime minister acting on the basis of his political role in Azza, despite the blows of sadness on his face. It only takes a period of contemplation and comfort as a transition period before the "big decision".

The absence of hangman on the screen is justified. Only Prime Minister Saad Hariri has the secret of excluding "the strong man" at this delicate and delicate moment of internal, regional and international intransigence, even though he was wrapped up in a Preliminary decision to separate the prosecution and the department.

And the use of a working group, with new faces, parliamentary, ministerial and consultative, reflecting, in the opinion of two close friends of Hariri, the fact that those who ran the elections were almost unanimous, with the law to elect a "danger" and without outside money. He must run his own boat!

Self-determination by boycott
with You, says "Republic" of Pendu: "I leave with joy Contrary to popular. There is a great need and a great desire for me to take leave of everything for a few months. He describes it as a "political detox". The work from the inside was "deadly and difficult". 24 hours "Waiting".

The Minister of the Interior admits that whatever he does, it will be interpreted as a "political challenge". In practice, it is difficult to conclude otherwise. This is a basic indication of the continuation of his "problem" with Hariri following the sudden response of the Beirut MP to the Prime Minister regarding his refusal "to inform the media of the decision to separate the prosecution from the ministry. "

"I am against dismissal because of the sensitivity of the political moment, but I am the seat and I recognize that Saad Hariri has the right as a leader of a bloc and as head of the party. a party to separate the prosecution and the ministry.The information indicates that Hariri is better than some of the block ministers between the prosecution and the possibility of appointing ministers later, but he did not speak directly and did not address the subject.

That "the dispute with Prime Minister Hariri has a personal dimension and another policy, and the person put an end to it" Case. "

The first took place during the luncheon of the Future Movement in Al-Bayal, where he went to see the Minister of the Interior and asked the Secretary General of the Movement of the Future, Ahmed Hariri, to sit in his place.In the general topics.And the second at the "Union of Families of Beirut", where he praised "Brother and dear friend Nihad and he is on my side wherever he is. "

Moving out of the future?
After the leave, the member for Beirut will make his decision to stay under the roof of the Future Movement or separation to complete his political career as an independent silk figure. "I will make my decision in all fairness and calm. I will not rush. More importantly, the personal dispute with Prime Minister Hariri has been withdrawn. We are affectionate and affectionate. "There are still contacts between us and topics of discussion, and recently I called him and I congratulated him for the meeting of the former heads of government needed as well as for his opinions on any serious decision of the Interior. "

Moving away from the "future" is a departure from politics. it is not true. After my return from leave, I will decide if I will stay on my current organizational status. They may reject my presence and consider my choice to stay away for an inappropriate period, but I will not go out of the political limbo if I am excluded. "

Relationship with Saudi Arabia
But what about the disagreement with Hariri?" My relationship with Saudi Arabia is normal, and the Hariri crisis does not have it. 39 has not affected. My position was aimed at Baha Hariri. I opposed Baha and that's my right. He adds: "My present blessings are the best growth!"

When asked: Does this mean we can see you soon in Saudi Arabia? Many factors during the first government's term Hariri under Michel Aoun led to the accumulation of points of contention between the Mahnouq and Hariri, the most important electoral law, which he described as "the law of Cain and Abel" and "malignant". [19659005] "The problem of politics with Hariri is over. "The story is not an election issue," he said, adding that "he would not make any decision without consulting Prime Minister Hariri". He who knows well knows that the idea of ​​schism is not accessible to him.

But the Minister of the Interior says that "the policy followed by the Prime Minister after his second mission, precisely in the formation of the government, is wise, patriotic, serious and solid. "There was a disagreement between us on some political headlines, and there are not many, even though we clearly see the results today."

Silky New!
What are the differences? In your opinion, between the first and the second mission? "Today we see Saad Hariri with greater capacity for absorption and a serious and decisive commitment to his powers."

The scene is abbreviated as saying "The storm of the election Aoun and its consequences, "she concludes," even if the gallows Baabda. "I'm talking about the unprecedented harshness of Hariri's adherence to his powers, contrary to the previous estimate of the position of others who have crossed the border," pointing at the same time that "the battle of the Presidency of the Republic ". It was awarded to two basic internal contracts: Christian and Druze. However, those who will succeed him to the presidency of the "Ministry of Ministries", and he will have suggestions and "requests" from him to ensure continuity. The most important is not to follow the implementation of the five-year strategy of the internal security forces, which will follow the Hezbollah handover, the project of mechanization of personal conditions and the construction of a building adjacent to the Ministry. and continued because of the small size of the current headquarters.

Daggered by the machine of the future
Certainly, the day of the election, and what preceded it and what follows, left great scars in the relationship between the hanged man and the "future". When asked: "Do you feel like you have been stabbed by people from home?" He responds quickly, "Yes, I was stabbed by the machine election. There are facts, not just an opinion or an badysis. I used a specialized company that seriously studied the election results and clearly revealed the mistakes. "

Partial" punitive "measures of Hariri after the end of the elections have somewhat contributed to the absorption of the crisis.There is no more direct target for the Minister of Finance. Interior, who admits that he would have failed "to fall" if he had not harvested the results of his hard "electoral" field work

but awaits the new organizational structure to squeeze what he needs. "They disrupted my machine, which was part of the Future machine, and put it in the dark." How many votes did Hariri have you-

Asked about the role you played in the naturalization decree and the charges against you to facilitate the pbadage of what has been described as the "scandal" as the first site

he explains: "I am the first The signatories are the last to be touched. I asked for the necessary investigations. The Information Division did an excellent job in record time, so the report of the Division was an integral part of the public security report after the rebadessment of General Abbas Ibrahim. "

shows that much of the" proven "information already exists.In the report of the" Division ", stating that the professional part of the Public Security Report is based on the correspondence of the Lebanese nationality countries.

The mission of Major General Ibrahim is a political mandate issued from the confidence of the President of the Republic., And confirms that "number" suspects "(85 names), which came out in the report General Security of be exaggerated annexation of whole families, with suspicion, for example, affects one of these people of the family.So the actual number is about 30, almost the same number as in the report of the Division of Information!

Al-Mahnouq claims that the departments of the Ministry, unlike the swarm, have issued no mention of nationality to this decree, in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic . Knowing that these powers and the decree are constitutionally valid, recognizing that "the report of the general security is a report, not a decision exclusively for the president of the Republic. "There will be no movement before the decision of the Shura Council."

The Greater
In political reading, Al-Mahnouq believes that the election results have made the Shiite group on the basis that it has a surplus of power, naturalization or the issue of displaced people . "

He adds:" Under the reign of President Michel Suleiman, four decrees of naturalization were issued, without taking their opinion, and they did not oppose it. "" The politics of Esquanism will lead to an internal crisis and its early features are worrisome and move away from the logic of the constitution and state, and the future is greater. "[19659037] Source: Journal of the Lebanese Republic

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