An 18-year-old son died after an appendicitis surgery … "Wrong with the spirit and the devil spirit" – Lily Girgis


The southern city of Qusayba awoke to the tragic death of an 18-year-old man who died after undergoing surgery for the appendix. Nobody understood what had happened, and Mohammed went on foot to undergo "excessive" surgery to be carried on his shoulders. In a few hours, the life of Yasin's family was turned upside down and after the villagers came to the hospital to visit him, he came back with a shock and everyone was shocked. Family anger and accusations of medical error, the hospital apologized for making a comment on the incident of death.

Nobody knows what really happened, the family sees the incident as a medical error, he complained about nothing, he had surgery and he is dead. According to one of his relatives, "it seems that there was an excessive amount of bing that led to a non-awakening, which caused electric shocks that caused bleeding in the lungs."

The family was unaware of the death of his son until dawn this morning, while one of his relatives confirmed that "Muhammad died at night but the hospital did not inform us for fear of causing chaos, Was so crowded with visitors and villagers to rebadure Mohammed that even the doctor did not come to tell the parents the truth on what had happened with their son, he did not appear at the hospital, and after asking questions about him and about medicine "The army and the l 39; army came in and opened an investigation into the incident. "

It is difficult for his parent to believe that Mohammed, "the young man who laughs as he describes it is so simple: nothing can compensate for this loss." An expression shortens our reality: "Evil with doctors and l & # 39; 39, spirit of Heck.

When does excess become deadly?

But the most important medical question is when the excess becomes fatal? What are the most important symptoms and treatments?

The professor of digestive surgery Dr. Riad Sarkis confirms that "many symptoms appear on the patient that make us suspect that the excess and the most important pain in the abdomen, the movement of the diaphragm internal, loss of appetite and nausea.The first step of the diagnosis is the "scanner" because it shows the state of excess, so in the beginning it can be treated quickly, or if it is at an advanced stage (after days) Zar we will determine the method of treatment ".

The result of endoscopy determines the treatment

According to Sarkis, "It is no longer acceptable today to not take these measures on its badets, we must confirm the case of excess by the telescope. 39, a large abscess, the surgeon must remove the pus from his body and after the cure of infections, After several weeks, either in the presence of the presence of Chest, which is protected and inflamed, then prevents the procedure and gives the patient antibiotics for treatment and after a period of elimination of excess. "The abscess in the abdomen causes blood poisoning, and strong infections lead to the rupture of the body. intestine, so the late diagnosis of appendicitis increases the likelihood of complications for the patient and possibly death, "says the professor of digestive surgery.

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