Aoun and Ja & # 39; were in disagreement … Yahia Al – Ra 'i – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Last updated: 1 hour ago

Source: The Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar


Author: The Electronic Spider

Views: 152

The use of the scepter to separate Christians contradicts what was built on the slogan "the glory of Lebanon him was given "(Haitham al-Musawi)

Kanaan and Melhem Riachi) after his fall more than necessary. However, in the context, the Free Patriotic Movement or the Lebanese Forces have no interest in extending the role of the Demjan politically, nor in the interest of the sponsor to the agreement of the parties at his expense, especially since both parties do not treat the Patriarchate as a post office. Marab, until the Maronite Patriarch Bishara al-Ra found a favorable opportunity to revive the Deman politically, though visually.

Minister Melhem Riachi and MP Ibrahim Kanaan held a five-hour meeting with the shepherd at his summer residence and summed up a "peace message" read by the media officer. The Walid Ghayad building. However, the message is read from its title and can only be placed as part of "homework". Neither the Free Patriotic Movement nor the Lebanese Forces, which previously signed the Bkerke Agreement and later of their own free will, will attach importance to the wishes of the shepherd, neither President Michel Aoun nor the Lebanese Party leader Samir Geagea allowing them to play a serious political role. This was evident in the approach of the presidential elections, when they deliberately reduced Bkerki and made it "the last to know". On the other hand, it is in the interest of the shepherd to maintain the current and the different forces, and they must mix with Bkerk, as their agreement reduces the role and increases the political isolation, and vice versa.

Therefore, the shepherd had to move, as "Bkerke received contacts wishing the shepherd to intervene to prevent further civil war between the current and the forces". Asked about the source of these "contacts", the answer is that "most of them are Lebanese expatriates". In addition, the Vatican wanted the shepherd, through a message from the new pontifical ambbadador, "take an initiative to calm and improve the atmosphere between the two parties and their republics".

Moreover, the same circles confirm that the shepherd They remind him of what the leaders of Christian parties have done to him during the past four years. But his Egyptian bliss to protect reconciliation and eager to anticipate any problem between the two republics, even if they are small. The appeal of Riyashi and Kanan in this regard aims to "set up a mechanism for joint action and communication to regulate the political relationship on a permanent basis, so as not to be subject to certain benefits, to all parties without exception ". In addition, he wanted to "accelerate the formation of the government to activate the work of the institutions" and discuss points of agreement with sources and sources of power. "Each party presented their point of view and discussed the contents of the agreement.

The Deman meeting yesterday made the three parties useful: the shepherd, the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese Forces. The stalemate of the patriarchate, which was at the height of the war and the crisis, did not stop at the political, economic, social and religious situation in this flagrant way. Critics say that the Patriarchate of Antioch and the rest of the East "became, at the time of His Beatitude, a rural church whose role is limited and marginal, and virtually no mention of his existence." Indeed, the shepherd, who began to be strong and reached the peak of his glory by bringing together the four Maronite leaders, did not quickly become marginalized. The visit of Saudi Arabia, which was to be used for the first time by the shepherd through the launch of a Christian-Christian dialogue, ends with great embarrbadment for the Maronite patriarch: first because the Lebanese Prime Minister was in Riyadh; And secondly, because the sponsor did not reach the goal of his visit and left empty handed. Since then, neither Saudi Arabia nor the Vatican have been effective, but it has been very easy to overcome: historically, any Vatican visit to an Arab country that runs through the patriarch of Antioch and the rest of the East. But he did not even inform Bakirki, which has never happened in the history of successive patriarchs (the Vatikani delegation recently visited Saudi Arabia). "

Al-Deeman received calls asking the shepherd to intervene" to avoid a new civil war "

On the plot of Aouni and al-Qawati, both parties returned today To Bkerki to rectify the worsening Christian situation due to the collapse of the Maarab agreement and the truce between the two parties, Bkerke sometimes wants to mediate between them. , in a role similar to that played by Father Noman during the abolition war between the forces and the army (in the late 1980s), under the leadership of President Michel Aoun. There are those who today draw the shepherd's attention that "the use of the scepter only to separate Christian leaders destroys everything that is built on the slogan" the glory of Lebanon which has him been given. "The role of the patriarch is important for the importance of Lebanon, not just for the Christian part or the for the transformation of the Patriarchate into a post office for opponents. "






Source: Lebanese Journal

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