Aoun: Facing the "forces" of the time harmed the "understanding of the Arabs" and must be restored


Beirut – Union Darwish –

The powerful Lebanese bloc MP Aoun confirmed that the "understanding of the Maghreb" between the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese forces must be maintained and restored in the next phase, linked to intentions. He said that the issue with the Lebanese Forces is not a difference of opinion, but has gone to the extent of the campaigns and accusations that have affected our political team, and this can not be delivered by a team of mutual understanding and alliance with us.

Aoun pointed out in a statement to the "news" that the basis of Maarab's understanding is political, that is, the support of the Lebanese Forces to the President of the Republic and his political team, and then to the logic of quotas. That forces have emerged from the president's team and can no longer keep quotas and are graduated from politics because they are parallel tracks.

Aoun emphasized that the understanding of Maarab with its reconciling dimension, with the Lebanese forces, can not be reversed but must be preserved. He said the political divergence was based on the government's experience in the first government after the election of President Michel Aoun, which greatly undermined this understanding, adding that the confrontation of forces with the Covenant had damaged the deal.

Aoun explained that "the understanding of Ma" rab "is an integrated basket, partly political and the last quota participation, that is to say, we badume that we are there. President's team, but the performance of the "forces". He stressed that we are no longer a support team to the Pact, which means that we no longer consider that it is possible to give the forces of the free national movement in the new government because we no longer consider ourselves give to the same team

. On the government issue, Aoun saw the complexity of this issue, that there is no single criterion, and that things are going to the discretionary opinions of each team on what he wants in the new government, which complicates the training process. Saad Hariri set a standard and imposed it on everyone and nobody could oppose it.

He stresses that the facilitation of the birth of the government depends on the displacement of rigid positions, underlining that the Free Patriotic Movement adheres to a criterion including everything that is based on the results of the elections and the size of the parliamentary blocs and stresses that we submit to this criterion. Each team must respect the electoral reality resulting from the legislative elections.

Aoun accused the forces responsible for delaying the formation of the government, the consequences of delays in the revival of work, particularly with regard to the economic file.

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