Aoun responds to the proposal of the new government of Hariri Battalions


Sources in line with the latest ideas put forward by Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri to the President of the Republic Michel Aoun on the sizes and forms of ministerial representation, who responded to them and asked for the completion of contacts with d & # … Other parties, including the leader of "Free Patriotism"

The sources confirmed to al-Hayat that Hariri had presented to President Aoun a dual vision for distributing government quotas: the choice is made between maintaining the tripartite formula, the Lebanese Forces Party receiving four ministerial portfolios, including a sovereign ministry, And to appoint a president The Progressive Socialist Party, or Walid Jumblatt, the three Druze ministers, or move on to another formula, to reduce the number of ministers of the future government to 24 ministers, which requires a different distribution of the portfolios of each sect, and therefore a number of political parties.

The sources told Al-Hayat that "because of Hariri's proposal between these two versions, Aoun told him that it would not bother him if the parties accepted a d & # 39; between them. The 24-member cabinet, which cuts six ministers, says it's going to cut off three Christian ministers, as well as Muslim ministers. The sources added: "This means the distribution of the 12 Christian ministers as follows: 8 are the share of the" Free Patriotic Movement "and the President, instead of 10, as in the tripartite formula according to the proposal of Hariri instead of 11 according to demand. "Lebanese" with a sovereign portfolio, instead of 4 proposed by Hariri in his thirtieth version, instead of 5 in accordance with the request for "forces" in the same formula, and a minister of "Al-Marada ", so that his share remains consistent with the formula of the thirtieth. According to sources, the distribution of sacks on the 12 Christian seats requires this reduction of the quota of each political team, the three parties sharing the ministers representing the Christian denominations: 5 Maronites, 3 Orthodox, 2 Catholics, 2 Armenians, 1 Armenians and 1 minorities. The formula of the 24 ministers proposed by Hariri is a way out of the stalemate that the government has reached because of the Christian dispute over quotas and the size of the ministerial representation, because it reduces the number of ministers in all the communities

Bags for the year are a share 'Alm flow 5 for the Shiite duo, so Berri gets 3 bags and Hezbollah has two seats. The Druzes considered them reduced to two seats, after being three in the tripartite formula, so that this decline of the "free current" would allow the attribution of a ministerial post to the Talal Arslan MP, promised by Bbadil when They allied themselves in the parliamentary elections.

Between the formula of 30, in which the participation of four ministers for the "forces", 10 for "free movement" and President Aoun, and the formula of 24 ministers a logical step. The formula of the medium-sized government eliminates the continuation of the "current" by demanding 11 ministers, and the insistence of "forces" that their share will be 5 ministers and removing the obstacle to insist on the representation of Arslan at the Druze level.

Sources accompanying Hariri's ideas indicated that "Aoun's response to these ideas was what prompted the president-elect to talk about the stallion in the decade when his encounter with the President Aoun ended last Wednesday, and urged her to announce her optimism. "She said that the decision with other political forces and with Basile, will lead to the transition to the research phase II of the Government, the distribution of portfolios on political forces.If there is a consensus on the formula of the 24 ministers, there will be a new formula that will control the transfer of parties to the 22 existing ministries, since the number of ministers of the state is reduced from eight to two.The sources point out that these new ideas put the government structure on fire, but the issue of sharing ministerial portfolios will not be easy and will require efforts and conta This means that consensus on this formula requires a few days to get there.

Source: Life

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