Are convinced of the capacity of Saad Hariri to face the many and great challenges facing Lebanon


Al-Ghanim: Confident in the capacity of Saad Hariri to meet the many and great challenges facing Lebanon

His visit ended in an atmosphere of great hospitality, where Walid Jumblatt and Gebran Bbadil were invited in his honor.

The future of Lebanon is the future of Kuwait and its stability The stability of all Arab states

The Kuwaiti Parliament can not refuse any support or support to Lebanon and its government

Al-Qena & # 39; i: Parliamentary diplomacy led by al-Ghanim is a pillar of official diplomacy. , The Speaker of the National Assembly, Marzouq Al-Ghanim, and the accompanying parliamentary delegation yesterday completed their visit to Lebanon, following its participation in the 26th Arab Economic Forum organized under the auspices of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri.
Hariri. Al-Ghanim said in a statement to the press: "I was honored and the brothers of the delegation met the distinguished President Saad Hariri, a friend of Kuwait and we had positive discussions during which we have discussed topics of interest to both countries. "
Greetings from His Highness the Emir and His Highness the Prime Minister and all the wishes of Kuwait to Lebanon for stability, peace and a glorious future. He said that "the future of Lebanon is the future of Kuwait and that the stability of Lebanon is synonymous with stability for all Arab countries, especially Kuwait."
"I also thank Prime Minister Hariri for this generous invitation, which we are honored to meet, as Lebanon and Kuwait are no exception, and I thank him for his hospitality and hospitality. Rafiq Hariri, who has a special historical relationship with His Majesty the Amir and Kuwait. "
The Lebanese Government and the Kuwaiti Government Will Follow Up on Issues Related to Executive Issues, Emphasizing Confidence in the Wisdom of the Prime Minister Minister and Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and their ability to find the best formula to meet the economic challenges. Parliamentarians, and that is what I confirmed to Prime Minister Hariri, the Kuwaiti parliament can not, by an overwhelming if not absolute majority, refuse any support or support to Lebanon and the Lebanese government ".
During the visit, Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt hosted a banquet at Al-Mukhtarah Palace on Friday night in honor of Al-Ghanim and the parliamentary delegation who # 39; accompanied him. The meeting was attended by a number of deputies from the Democratic rally, including Akram Shahib, Wael Abu Faour, Bilal Abdullah, Henry Helou, Faisal Sayegh, Hadi Abulhbadan and former MP Ghazi Aridi.
Alghanim also attended a banquet hosted by the Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Al-Ghanim was accompanied by deputies Muhammad al-Dalal, Khaled al-Shatti, al-Humaidi al-Subaie and Kuwait's ambbadador to Lebanon Abdel-al-Qena & # 39; i.
The ambbadador said that "the Kuwaiti parliamentary diplomacy, Facebook Facebook logo Staying connected" The participation of Al-Ghanim at the Arab Economic Forum, at the kind invitation of the appointed Lebanese Prime Minister, Saad Al-Hariri, was the opportunity to express the point of view of Kuwait at the parliamentary level on the country's economic issues. Kuwait, Lebanon and the Arab world in general. "" The visit was also an opportunity for Al-Ghanim to meet Lebanese President Michel Aoun, President Nabih Berri and Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri to exchange views and highlight deeply rooted relations between Kuwait. and Lebanon. In Liban. Ambbadador Al-Qena said that "President Al-Ghanim has conveyed the Kuwaiti vision of various economic and political affairs, praising his active parliamentary diplomacy to convey Kuwait's vision to the Arab world and the world." Al-Ghanim, who arrived in Beirut on July 11 as the head of a parliamentary delegation, was the guest of honor at the Arab Economic Forum, where he discussed economic and financial reform. in Kuwait and discussed the economic situation in Lebanon and the Arab world.The Speaker of the National Assembly Marzouq Al-Ghanim and the parliamentary delegation in Kuwait where he was received at the airport by the secretary of the Council, Mr. Awdah Al-Rowaie, Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs, Adel Al-Kharafi, Khalid Bousleb, Acting Secretary General 19659 008] Related Documents

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