Astronomer Ali al-Ais Three important things will happen in Syria and Lebanon during the next stage


  The astronomer Ali al-Issa
Al-Ali said last night on Maghreb television that all that was happening in Syria was the overthrow of the Syrian government and that the current situation of international spasm between two parts 19659003]

The new Syria will be led by President Bashar al-Assad, who has turned out to be the safety valve of Syria and the guarantor of its unity and has great popularity.

Al-Essis says that there are three things in Syria. On the one hand, the Syrian state will restore its authority to the East and North according to consensual agreements between the countries of the region and the Kurds and the political process in Syria under the auspices and the supervision of Russia and the United Nations under the leadership of President Assad. Coming and the reason for his delay is because Will be comprehensive and comprehensive to contribute to the return of thousands of people because the amnesty will be the widest and most complete of the history of Syria will not be conditional and will prove to the world the concern of the Syrian Government for the return of its children from all over the world

We will see new alliances between a reformist movement that enjoys the support of the public, the resistance, the army, the people, the fight against corruption and the old trend that Lebanon remains in the fraternity of Franco-Saudi tutelage.



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