Awn: Economic treatment is one of the first concerns of the new government


President Michel Aoun reiterated that "the taking into account of the economic situation will be one of the first concerns of the new government, especially after the completion of the national economic plan, which will be reflected in the different economic, social and living issues ".

and stressed "the importance of cooperation of all to follow the work of the state" and "stop broadcasting negative data is not real in the media and network sites because they are false and run no danger, including promoters.

President Aoun addressed a delegation that included the head of the economic institutions Mohammed Choucair, the president of the Joseph Tarbi Banks Association, and the head of the Union of Men of the United States. Mediterranean affairs, Jacques Sarraf, who visited him in Baabda.
After the meeting, Shukair said: "We are rebadured by the political and security situation in the country and we are rebadured by the economic and financial situation." We are optimistic despite all that is said and wait for the formation of the government as soon as possible.

Tarbih explained that "we have also introduced the banking and financial situation", stressing that "the status of the lira and banks is held, which is under the total control of the Bank of Lebanon, which manages monetary policies ".
"We presented an idea that fits with the McKinsey plan and is based on the creation of the Lebanese Investor Association to connect Lebanese businessmen with foreign businessmen and expatriates" , did he declare.

On the other hand, the President of the Republic badured the delegation of "Sons of Arqoub and Shebaa Farms" led by Mohammed Hamdan that Lebanon "will make no effort to recover the Shebaa farms and the occupied Kafr Shuba hills. and the Lebanese part of the city of Ghajar.The land is Lebanese, its inhabitants are Lebanese and they can not be considered as Lebanese nationals who own non-Lebanese lands, all the more as all their personal transactions and restrictions. are related to Lebanon, and that is enough to prove that the land is ours.
"This operation is under the auspices of the United Nations and not directly with the Israelis, it is a Lebanese sovereign right that no one can discuss," he said.

The Municipality of Beirut

Aoun also met with a Beirut City Council delegation headed by Jamal Itani, who presented him with the first version of his report on the projects planned by the Council in order to realize the future vision of Beirut.

Two meetings

The Secretary General of Catholic Schools, Father Boutros Azar, the representative of the Catholic Education Support Institutions, Samir Sarkis, and the Chief of the Mar Maroun Monastery at Majd al-Ma & Ush, father Samir Ghawi, also met MP Farid al-Bustani.

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