Basile's personal interests caused damage to the Covenant


The newspaper "Asharq Al-Awsat" reports that "the recent confrontation between the" forces "and the leader of the" Free Patriotic Movement ", Minister Gebran Bbadil, raised the level of estimates by examining the" forces "of other alternatives. "And fleeing his articles in the media.

In this context, the sources of "forces" denied by the newspaper that it was "illegal" to use the word "force" stressing that "we do not treat things on the basis of Alternatives, because suspension of understanding or injury is a failure or a fall, does not mean at all that we are looking for a second front ". On the political front, General Michel Aoun was brought to the presidency of the republic and was supposed to work on the implications of this agreement on the other side, "she explained. committed to respecting the relevant part of the agreement.

The sources pointed out that "we deal separately with each political team", describing the relationship with the leader of the "Progressive Progressive Party" Walid Jumblatt as "an electoral alliance, we were together the elections of 2005, 2009 and 2018 A coalition that exists and is stable but does not mean that we are in the framework of forming a political front, "stressing that" our relationship with Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri strategic and political, but we do not think not to restart on March 14th. "God" is "a relationship within the institutions within the government and the House of Representatives, and these limits and this ceiling," adding, "We were cooperating in the previous government and not cooperating in the next government under the ceiling set by the party at the anti-corruption point, and hope that we can form a true national front of the Lebanese people get rid of this dangerous scourge 'n insisting on' we are not looking for & Other options. "We have some common space with each team that varies by team, and I do not think anyone in Lebanon comes back to the logic of the fronts."

Sources of "forces" cited the reasons for the exacerbation of the problem.His personal interests and his presidential project have not only led to the overthrow of the Ma-Ma agreement, but have also caused great damage to the pact because c In this situation of coordination between the forces, the current and wide popular situation created by the elections was supposed to be the backbone of the Pact. First of all, "adding:" What I think "Recently, this is the result of all the practices that have started with Bbadil since the establishment of the agreement and which does not did not deal with equality and partnership. "

Jumat "We respect President Aoun and his meeting with Samir Geagea The initiative of President Aoun, overthrown by his refusal of the truce, and the role of Hariri who suggest that Geagea meets Aoun proposing to Aoun that Geagea and Jumblatt meet, and that all this positive atmosphere born last week is the result of the role played by Hariri. "Considering that" Basil's escalation was against the President-designate and against the President of the Republic directly and all "I I am confident that things will resume their normal status thanks to Hariri and Aoun because the country is not governed by Minister Bbadil. " Bbadil is only one component and does not diminish the country and its institutions, its situation is limited and tries to expand its position and size. windowResize () {
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