Berri facing the culture of Hezbollah by Julia Boutros


The presence of President Berri at Julia concert is a message that the South will not be subject to the culture of Iranian death

Far from the millions and earthly revolutionaries that the artist Julia Botros calls to his songs for In addition to all this, the great concert that Julia Boutros gave in the activities of the international photo festivals had a remarkable cultural impact, and the great southerners of the audience continued to interact for two consecutive days. clear indicator of pbadion

President Berri has opened his own presence alongside the Lebanese people and the Lebanese people. His wife, Randa Berri (organizer of the festival), spoke about the vastness of the cultural identity of Southerners in the south, as evidenced by the pages of social networks between supporters of the Amal movement and supporters of Hezbollah. refuse to organize these festivals. Legitimate by some references to them!

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The fatwa prohibiting the chants committed by the majority of Hezbollah is a very complex fatwa even of case law, since the rules in force for most jurists are not not clear. The authorized musical instruments, or the fact that the singer is a woman (his voice is awrah), whatever the words and content of the song, like Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah himself, as the song "my loved ones" so much that there is no rest (The machines used, women's voice), and here we understand the lack of purity Al-Manar channel for the songs of Julia or other artists, even if they are national songs, even if this or that artist is respected by the party because it supports the political line and not as an artist.

"The singing was only a period of time because it was practiced in specific places called" singing houses ", in addition to singing, all types of ablutions and of taboos were practiced, and prohibition only prevented religious people from visiting these houses

The Berry Festival, no doubt he carried a very strong cultural message, and did not disturb a political dimension affirming clearly and unequivocally that the South will not be subject to the culture of Iranian death and that the history of Dabkeh singing and marriages are the foundation of Jabal Amel's heritage and its maintenance on the land of the South are President Berri's interests.The article expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the site's policy

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