Black coffee is more useful without additives


A group of doctors said they prefer to drink black coffee without additives such as sugar or milk.

Doctors said in a report published by the site "Bold Sky", each method of drinking a certain impact, for example, They drink black coffee alone without adding milk.

The unique cup of black coffee contains a few calories not exceeding 4.5, while the number of 56.6 per cup of coffee and milk.

Black coffee gives more energy to those who drink it because it is more concentrated than coffee mixed with milk that loses its strength.

Black coffee is not desirable because of caffeine, so it is best to mix milk and coffee.In case of health problems such as acidity, doctors advise not to not drink black coffee.

However, black coffee is not without benefits, it protects against liver cancer, stimulates concentration and disturbs depression, facilitates metabolism and reduces the risk of heart disease, paralysis and diabetes of the second type.

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