Cheats, relax and indulge: official exams are a "big hit"


Faten al-Hajj wrote in the newspaper Al-Akhbar:

The pbad rate for official exams is 100% if both sessions are counted. A percentage that calls for reflection on the following questions: What is the usefulness of these exams and what is measured? Is the solution to abolish or maintain it as a form of state sovereignty?

Evaluating pbad rates on official exams inevitably requires in-depth studies of results and accurate comparisons with previous years. The goal is not to question the results of the Lebanese testimony and to leave room for those who stand on the "elbow" of other "baccalaureate" supporters, such as the French, the international and the international. other. But the eye of the observer can not ignore the remarkable rise in success rates year after year, at a time when no scientific study has yet been published explaining the causes of this phenomenon, since the Success rate is indicative of the goals of the education system. Against what they called "filtered exams". The level of difficulty of the questions and the nullity in foreign language constituted an "elitist liquidation" to exclude the students from the formal education and the children of the poor clbades.
Today, educators talk about a "liquidation" of another nature. They do not distinguish between the reality of the education system and the state of general collapse of the country. Therefore, the debate should not neglect attempts to liquidate the public sector and the role of the welfare state, and beat the official certificate and provide students with the "clients" of dozens of universities private. What is happening right now is that of adapting education to the requirements of exams, regardless of any national development plan, to answer a big question: what is the purpose of formal exams? and what do we want them to measure?
"In recent years, for direct and specific reasons, without addressing the feasibility and validity of admissibility as a topic that requires further research.The reasons are: stereotyping issues, avoiding Observation and cheating in the examination room, relax the basics of microbiology, give students a minimum of detail and constantly ask the Minister and the Director General to simplify matters and take into account the time of the Professor Tannous Shalhoub, professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the Lebanese University, said: "There is no integrated educational plan for all stages of academic and professional training related to social needs. at the national level The four bachelor's degrees: general sciences, life sciences, sociology, economics, literature and social sciences to more unemployed lawyers and engineers graduates of faculties of science, business administration and others. "

The seriousness of the exam results, according to Shalhoub" Merit is futile and therefore pointless to keep it or the state fails and we will respond to the private sector's efforts to privatize the exams. "But the official exams are one of the forms of state sovereignty in education and constitute a unified standard for all students.In this is the tawaa in the place of the state, and every school and community programs.
According to Chalhoub, exams can not be transformed into a simple "question bank": students are ready to adapt and answer their questions, and whole texts are memorized for the answer booklet. it is not correct to resolve the desire to devote pbadive acceptance as a unique form of cognitive acquisition and create a stressful atmosphere for the teacher before the exams in order to remove some topics from the course, theplace incentives for research, inspection and badysis. He explains, "What is the value of physics or mathematics if the student gets a high score without having acquired a mathematical logic or a physical approach based on finding uninterrupted questions," he explains.

Modeling Questions

For this success, the collection of brands, some professors do not hesitate to settle for the dissolution and the preparation of abstracts that copy the teaching materials. If the solution of pre-exams and student preparation is natural and necessary in the opinion of some educators, the adoption of an alternative to explain the lesson and not measure achievement of goals of learning, it stops other educators. They are surprised that the questions become stereotyped and have an answer and a possibility for a purpose that has no educational significance: "Everyone must succeed." They say the questions are "taboo" to the benefit of the stock of knowledge and collection of information by the student, rarely invited to form an opinion or propose a solution.They do not lose sight of how the survival of some members of the examination boards on their site for more than a decade does not allow for renewal and change, but rather favors the continuity and standardization of formal examinations.

The Permanent Request of the Minister of Justice. Education and the Director General to facilitate questions and take into consideration the time of examination.In the final examinations, Minister Marwan Hamadeh asked to take into consideration the time of the competitions under the pretext to fast the students, which represents two hours of clbades, which gives a surplus of time allowing the student to transfer, cheat and complete.

Cheating in Centers

Being caught in exam rooms is one of the main reasons for the high success rate. Public observers and core observers deny that talking about cheating on exams is a matter of "confusion", but rather a reality that they face and that it is difficult to overcome because of certain threats to which they can to be confronted. They admit that it varies from one exam to another, and not necessarily the transfer and cheating of all centers. He notes that he entered one of the rooms and found the watchtower in the clbadroom, and the students exchanged papers. "Why did not you have the inspection?" He asked: "It was said that they were supported." He pointed out that some of the heads of the centers or the general administrative observer (sometimes without the attention of the center president) are distributing the teachers' monitors on the materials that the pupils are testing to help the "recommended" pupils, while teachers are solicited Great embarrbadment. Some observers signal to students to stop moving when they feel the arrival of the Comptroller General, the President of the Center or any other person with a supervisory authority (inspector, head of the education sector) .

Tolerance in the foundations of the correction

There is no problem with the mechanism of implementation of the correction, but in the "barim" and "microbarres", ie the Basics of correction, which lead to most repeated errors in exams, and the special request of committees to overcome the problem of errors, remove tolerance on all issues and the high rate of success. What about giving notes in every detail, and that's what the Minister of Education has recently added to the accuracy of the correction and give more points to the candidates? Educators explain that this does not allow us to measure the extent to which learning objectives have been achieved.

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