China and Russia will take revenge on Trump … Commercial start-up tariffs exceed $ 34.1 billion


China and Russia fight back from Trump … Start of trade tariffs in excess of $ 34.1 billion

The Great War came into effect

+ enlarge police – reduce police

The European Union's customs war has finally come into effect since yesterday, as America began to enforce the additional taxes announced by President Donald Trump on state imports. The United States of China spent $ 34 billion, while China responded by applying similar taxes to US wills, followed by Russia which announced the imposition of additional charges on a US product group and the preparation of new procedures. Customs Department to charge tariffs China, out of 545 items, with a value of imports of $ 34 billion came into effect, adding that "the tax imposed of 25%, which is equivalent to the rate imposed by Washington on Chinese products came into force yesterday "
. Chinese President Li Keqiang said that no one would win a trade war, hours after similar taxes were imposed by both countries. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree that would increase the additional fees by 87.6 percent. millions of dollars for Russian companies. This amount only offsets a fraction of the losses of Russian companies, amounting to 537.6 million. For its part, the Russian Minister of Economy, Maxim Urshkin, said in a statement that " the countervailing measures take the form of additional customs duties on imports of between 25 and 40% ".
[185] "Additional tariffs will support Russian companies producing similar products," he said. And could replace US equipment in the domestic market, "adding that Russia intends to take further action targeting the United States until 2024.
Trump warned that US could target more than $ 500 billion The total value of US imports from China last year, adding that it provided additional tariff opportunities within two weeks on imports of 39, worth $ 16 billion, underlining its intention to impose more rates in the future.The attractiveness of Malmstrom "The worrisome developments of tariff escalation between the United States and the United States. United and China are devastating for the global economy, "she said," Trade wars are bad and hard to win. "
With the entry into force of US tariffs on imports Chinese, the dollar fell yesterday, but a weak reaction of the foreign exchange markets suggests that this escalation was largely attributable to investors. On the US report 002] The dollar index dropped to a basket of six currencies at 94,317 after dropping to 94,177, registering the lowest levels since June 26 the previous day. This allowed the euro to rise to $ 1.1727, its highest level since June 26th.
Gold prices reduced their losses as US tariffs on Chinese products on the dollar fell.
"If the trade war intensifies, China could then sell US securities and buy gold," said Helen Lau, an economic badyst at Argonaut Securities. It will be a major event.
For its part, the World Trade Organization (WTO) reported in a report on trade restrictions among G20 countries that trade barriers created by major economies could jeopardize global economic recovery. "This continued escalation is a serious threat to growth and recovery in all countries, and we are beginning to see that this is reflected in some expectations of economic activity," said Roberto Azivido, General Manager of the 39; Organization. The unfavorable situation is a force of increasing disagreements between governments on the EU Neighbor, we are still expecting a growth in demand, but the new taxes imposed are hurting these expectations.
The badysis of the World Trade Organization shows that 39 countries imposed 39 new trade restrictions between mid-October and mid-May. Or twice the restrictions imposed during the previous period, affecting the trade of iron and steel, plastic products and vehicles.

Kuwait sold in July a "Nafta" more immediate than usual

150 tons of naphtha for loading in July, recorded the largest immediate volumes on a monthly basis They added that the company had sold 25 or 50,000 tons Thursday night for loading at the end of July, but the details were not clear.
The company sold less than 110,000 tons of instant naphtha for loading in June Aramco Trading, Vitol and two other Asian trading companies, whose premium was mostly between $ 20 per barrel and below Middle East raw materials, on the basis of delivery on board. . The price of a barrel of Kuwait oil is 24 cents Thursday at $ 74.15 against $ 74.39 a barrel on Wednesday according to the price announced by the institution.
The Company sells most of its quantities by contract for a period of 12 months from April, August and December. Last month, the company signed a 12-month deal with its Asian buyers at $ 20 a tonne on Middle East raw materials on board and $ 21.50 for light naphtha.

Where is the money from investors? ..?

Numbers – with the drums of the trade wars, and What can become economic, between the United States and some countries, especially China, the economic situation is murky, uncertainty about the future of the Markets are growing, concerns about traditionally secure investments are increased and investors are confused about safe havens for their money.
An economic confrontation between the first and the second country in terms of the size of the global economy will change all current stable rules, as well as the implications of the expansion of economic clashes with others parties, which raises the question of what investors should do to preserve their money. 002] The first thing to be sure of is the Wall Street Journal, which reveals US stocks against Chinese investment, as the US is no longer the first hiding place for investment, including research alternatives, especially as the United States exports to polarized countries in recent years.
US tech companies that Trump will impose sanctions on their investments will be directly affected, creating an opportunity for non-Chinese investments to replace their Chinese counterpart. Gradually, but this remains provided that investors are rebadured that their countries are not accused of stealing US technology, targeting their money, and that trade wars will not develop to undermine their sales. The return to traditional investment in gold buying is a good option, provided that it is invested early and before many people adopt it as a safe haven or a last resort.
As for investment in commodities, with the expected decline in global growth, The International Monetary Fund re-evaluates the expected rates of 2018 and 2019 (3.9%), the prices of oil, coal and gas natural will decline significantly, because of its still conditional correlation with global growth rates, indicating dangerous investments If the economic war reaches advanced stages between the United States and China, investment in the two countries should be endangered, especially in China, who is the first buyer of a product. (Accounting for nearly a quarter of Chinese exports), while Chinese investments in China target the rest of the investment from other countries.

South Korea suspends purchases from Iran

Sino-US tariffs
US crude shipments to China cost about 400,000 barrels a day, up to US $ 500,000. $ 1 billion a month at current prices. On the other hand, three informed sources said South Korea would not receive any Iranian oil or condensate in July, suspending all shipments for the first time in six years under pressure from the United States. stop all imports of Iranian oil from November
. The decision by South Korea, one of Iran's biggest customers with China and Japan, comes as Seoul negotiates for an exemption from US restrictions on Iranian oil purchases , similar to the exemption obtained in the previous round of sanctions. ] The cancellation means that South Korea will not import Iranian oil into a What marks the first month of zero imports since August 2012 when South Korean buyers suspended oil purchases Iran before obtaining an exception to import limited quantities of Iranian crude.
Iranian oil buyers and South Korean condensates are SK Energy and SK Incheon Petrochemical, owned by SK Innovation, Hyundai Oil Bank and Hanua Total Petrochemical
OPEC Governor in Iran, Hossein Kazim Bourd Ardebili, Reuters "The price of oil will soon reach 100 dollars a barrel because of the supply disruption caused by Trump, from Saudi Arabia and Russia are lowering crude prices. "
" Trump should have foreseen that when Iran will be prevented from accessing global markets, it will become the hostage of Saudi Arabia and Russia. "The responsibility of paying unnecessary oil prices to all consumers around the world, especially at gas stations in the United States, rests solely on you (Trump), and the price of over $ 100 is still to come. " 1945] Iran threatened to stop oil exports in the Strait of Ormuz to avenge any hostile action by Bush [4] The Chinese company CNPC signed an initial agreement with the national oil company Abu Dhabi oil (ADNOC) later this month to invest in oil exploration A spokesman for ADNOC said the company had received a "considerable interest" from the market and existing and new partners since she announced her plan to expand its strategic partnership model, but declined to comment on a specific agreement.

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