"Credit Card" implanted under the skin to treat diabetes


US researchers have developed a credit card size device that can be implanted under the skin to treat diabetes. The device contains small tubes that can be injected with cells that produce insulin. Researchers have shown that blood vessels grow in and around the body, help cells to mature and create a functional limb that can produce insulin and control blood sugar levels. .

The new device was designed to treat the cause of the disease rather than the symptoms, by growing new cells protected from the attack of the immune system and releasing insulin.
The researchers developed the device from a special, safe and non-disruptive polymer material. On its changing surface In the second procedure, doctors inject thousands of small cells into small tubes in the device.
Researchers suggest using this technique in the treatment of other chronic diseases of the future, such as Parkinson's, which results from the absence of certain compounds. b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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