Curry Powder Fight Cancer – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Last Updated: 1 hour ago

Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Newspaper

Author: The Electronic Spider

Views: 193

Turmeric is one of the components of curry powder

A recent study found that a chemical present in the powder of cari can resist dramatically to cancerous diseases.

Curcumin, a substance made of curcumin, a component of curry, gives the yellow color of the powder that can slow the growth of tumors and fight bad cancer and blood

According to the study, the curry powder destroys and destroys the cancer cells. In some cases.

Although UC researchers do not believe that the study found that curcumin is one of the most important food ingredients that can be used to combat the spread of cancer, because when it enters human blood, it is directly related to the type of curcumin. From the enzyme called DYRK2, which prevents the proliferation of cancer cells.

The doctors involved in the study, that when the use of curcumin in mice, this substance was able to reduce the size of tumors "significantly", and was able to stop spreading in the body.

In turn, a "Curcumin is a substance that can easily get out of the body, so doctors should change it before thinking about using it to fight cancer, so the results will not be disappointing," said Suraff Banerghi, researcher at Suraff Banerghi

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