Dangerous foods help infants sleep longer – PNN


Many parents give their children non-liquid food before the recommended six months, in hopes of helping them sleep better. The experiment was supported by the results of a recent British study, although researchers confirm that it does not completely solve sleep problems.

The experiment was conducted on 1303 three-month-old children in England and Wales. Half of these children were encouraged to provide unhealthy food, such as fish and wheat six months ago, while the other half took only milk up to the end of the day. Six months old. Accuracy in the random distribution of participants between the two groups. The results of this study, initially focused on allergies, were published in the American Journal of Gamma Pediatrics.

As a result, children who started to eat solid before the age of six months slept longer and woke up less often overnight. But the difference between the two groups is significant, since the average of these cases has increased from 2.01 times per night to 1.74, which means that half of the children who eat food The non-patient s' is awake less than 1.74 times during the night.

A big difference was also noted in the sleep period with a higher level of 16 minutes at the age of six months.

The authors of the study acknowledged that the mothers who participated in the study could have responded more positively to the forms when they had to provide non-liquid foods to their children. However, according to them, this effect should not exceed six months.

In this study, the authors suggest that new recommendations for parents to feed their children earlier in foods that may cause allergies such as peanuts may have an effect. Also positive for the sleep aspect of children and their parents.

Source: Arabic.Net

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