Deadlock: Is a government formed by excluding "forces"? The Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


What are the possibilities after the publication of the secrecy "secret document" signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants at the head of the Free Patriotic Movement and leader of the Lebanese Party Samir Geagea? And by extension: Is it a government without troops? Is President-elect Saad Hariri a government without troops?

The question of these legitimate questions on the eve of the president's return from the "family vacation" was short, and on the eve of the president's return, Nabih Berri's vacation vacation would be almost delayed if the train began to write before to travel, as well as the leave that was coming near the end of Minister Bbadil, which brought the majority of the body politic to the position of moving away if the rivalry or even hostility? In Beirut, believes that the process of Shakil t is produced in stalemate? The Free Patriotic Movement and its bloc (Strong Lebanon) and Hezbollah (and its bloc, the Loyalty to the Resistance), as well as parliamentary figures in the orbit of the Mar Mikhael alliance, have not yet been elected. have nothing to do with the transformation of the second Christian party into opposition. The Lebanese government is not in a situation where there is no government where the Lebanese Forces are not represented and where the Aounis do not hesitate to point out that there may be have parties outside or outside the border, pushing them to climb. (Question of the introduction of the Free Patriotic Movement's spokesperson OTV)

Earlier this week, a close source revealed

The source told the "brigade" that the concessions would be necessary to lead the process of authoring its way ..

The source insisted that the formation of the government will occur, and that Prime Minister Hariri will work on events

What after the leak?

While the subject of government formation "your place in the mind" in the absence of Who was worried about it, it was clear that the Lebanese Forces and the Free Patriotic Movement continued to The relationships between the two parties reached the point of no return, after the parties relinquished their signed agreement to Ma & # 39; rab on January 18, 2016, taking responsibility to publish and disclose it to the media , which requires asking the next question "And if this move will facilitate the formation of the government or complicate it more than is currently captive Christian and Druze contract."

In estimating political sources as both " forces "and then" the current "to publish Maarab comprehension texts, On the minutes of a meeting of leaders of both parties, which is replaced by the words" highly confidential ", equates to the release of A. This is the result of the presidential agreement that was woven by both Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, and Dr. Samir Geagea

. If the politico-media war took place Is relatively calm, but without stopping completely, between "current" and "forces", the attention turned yesterday to the position of the Minister Ali Hbadan Khalil, If the criteria of Allocation of quotas to political forces are not standardized, sources of follow-up are considered Khalil's position is a kind of warning against procrastination in the game of biting finger and defining different criteria for the formation of the government , in what appeared to be the local war "understanding of the Arabs" that would prevent the formation of the government, especially in the absence of direct contact between the parties, in response to a question from the major general (res.) on the fate of efforts in To calm the situation, he agreed to take a stand, saying only that "I am not blind".

According to the same political sources, he takes political, political and media parties. , To badume their responsibilities and to participate in overcoming the obstacles and the contract before the formation of the government, instead of continuing

It was striking yesterday that the "free movement" of the full text of Merab's understanding has was leaked through LBC and was in response to the leakage of "strengths" of certain paragraphs of understanding through MTV yesterday, but the first station was to conduct a political reading of understanding from the point of view of the "Aouni movement" and without being isolated of the announcement of the support of President Hariri. , And then charge the head of the "forces" Samir Geagea the responsibility of his departure from the agreement that came in the presidential compromise, according to the station posted on its website, the understanding of the agreement of four pages, which includes several elements, aims in particular to respect the Sunni community in the presidential era in the selection.

He also dealt with the distribution of Christian seats in the Council of Ministers, including sovereign and services, also in all Covenant governments, after calculating the Christian quota, which was customary to be the president of the Republic.

And addressed the agreement also approved the parliamentary elections, approved an electoral law based on proportional representation and confirmed that the elections should be held together, the free patriotic movement and the Lebanese forces taking over from their allies .

Until the distribution of first-clbad centers, And impartiality, without addressing the issue of equality, that the cornerstone of the agreement is more important than the two blocs support the President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, and two factors to ensure the success of his reign. That "Gu" We insist on distinguishing between President Aoun and the current leader of the movement, Minister Gebran Bbadil.The former deputy forces, Antoine Zahra, felt that the attempt to "lead" Bbadil would not be done and would not be done at the expense of the forces Normal size. "(19659003) Zahra warned of any attempt to embarrbad the" forces "in order to get them out, claiming that this is part of the Agreement, The boy's mother will stay, but she will not accept that the boy lives in an orphanage. "He stressed that" the forces "will only accept effective and strong representation within the government, and we will participate effectively, and we will represent what we deserve and what is needed to implement the

That Christian reconciliation is alive and that the understanding of Maarab has not died, pointing out that what happened last night does not spoil the kindness of the question, the least on the part of the stream. "The media truce in his recent television interview, and confirmed that what he said in the interview is the same as repeated time and again by the breach of duty [19659003] In response to what was stated in the text of the agreement in terms of sharing ministries and official sites between the two sides, which is the focus of the government clash, the Former Minister Gabe Leon This equality and partnership applied when "forces" support the Covenant, but when the only "function" of their ministers is the "freedom" of the Covenant, the agreement is nullified, as evidenced by their position on the agenda of the Pact. electricity.

The Economic Committee in the attention of President Aoun, who received a delegation of economic organizations The President of the Association of Banks, Joseph Tarraj, and the President of the Association industrialists, Jack Sarraf, badured them that respect for economic conditions would be one of the first concerns of the new government, especially after the completion of the national economic plan "Makizi". . He stressed that "Improving infrastructure and roads and other construction projects will help promote economic progress in parallel with the reforms that the government intends to achieve in accordance with the recommendations of the" Cedar "Conference that is being held in Paris a few months ago. "The President rebadured us that work is underway to complete the formation of the Government as soon as possible, not forgetting the commitments of the Cedar Conference and the issue of oil and gas exploration become reality, But we want to accelerate the formation of the government.

During his meeting with the delegation of the Arakoub and Shebaa farms, President Aoun pointed out that Lebanon is currently attempting to demarcate the land borders, the Shebaa farms and the Kafrshuba hills forming part of this UN under the auspices of the United Nations and not in direct contact with the Israelis: "It is a Lebanese sovereign right that can not be debated."

The Makbaded

Educational Edition In the development of the Makbaded Islamic Charitable Society, "The Board of Directors, at its meeting yesterday, decided to reopen the College of Khadija Grand" Aisha Bac because, member of the Aisha Baccar Society, begins next week, knowing that the school reopened yesterday and that the guard is doing his job as usual.

Yesterday, reactions to the Makbaded Islamic society continued to emerge. Beirut and Beirut rejected the decision to close the school of Essaouira in the Western Bekaa of the Maqbaded Association, and all expressed their appreciation for the efforts made by Prime Minister Hariri to accelerate payment contributions to the Ministry of Finance.

The correspondent of the "brigade" The decision included the closure of the school of Essaouira in the western Bekaa, established in 1929. The residents of the city were disturbed by teachers and students of Neighboring villages, they organized a sit-in at the entrance of the city. The municipality of Al-Suwairi Hussein Amer and Sheikhs and a crowd of events in the area, and closed the main road for a while. Speaking on behalf of Prime Minister Hariri, Al-Qarawi said: "We will not allow the movement of students on the streets or teachers by administrative decision and we will not allow the school to close today. Tomorrow or tomorrow. "

In Lebanon in a statement after a special session yesterday, in front of "cases of exchange received by the union of various schools, including cases of collective disbursements in some of them as a result of closures .

And surprised in some cases "educational institutions Despite his arguments about the financial crisis and his refusal to renew debts And that teachers' salaries in the coming years are lower than the allowance paid for their years of service in institutions, such as creating a crisis at the end of the academic year to show public opinion that educational institutions were put in place. He said, adding that he "did not notice any unusual cases of dismissal in institutions that enforced the law and gave teachers a series and six degrees. "

Source: Lebanese General Gazette

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