Dealing with the economic situation objectively and stop the flow of negative data is not real – the location of the Al-Manar chain – Lebanon


The President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, stressed that "the economic situation will be one of the first concerns of the new government, especially after the completion of the national economic plan, which will be reflected on Various economic, social and living issues President Aoun said that "the improvement of infrastructure, roads and other construction projects will contribute to the promotion of economic development of the country, in parallel with the reforms that the government intends to achieve, in accordance with recommendations of the Cedar Conference held in Paris several months ago. "Republican The call for objective and realistic management of the country's economic situation and the dissemination of negative data is not real in the media and social networks

President Aoun spoke at a meeting this afternoon with a delegation composed Lebanese economy chief Mohamed Choucair, president of the Lebanese Banks Association, Joseph Tarbih, and president of the Mediterranean Business Men's Union Jack Sarraf, who offered With him the economic, financial and social conditions in the country, and the post-announcement of the national economic plan and the way of formation of a new government. "

Source: National Agency for Information

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